- 12000000
- people in the world speak the Kazakh language by the Way, of which
9 million people live in Kazakhstan, 2 million. - in the other CIS countries,
and 1.5 million in China. In addition, this language is wide spread
in Iran, Turkey, Mongolia, Germany and other countries.
- The young capital, changing in her eyes, " symbol of creation, creativity and progress of the people of Kazakhstan. In the construction of Astana took part 71 cities of the country, 432 construction companies, 135 plants supplied the construction of construction materials.
- Astana is a pride of Kazakhs and all people of Kazakhstan. Astana is a symbol of new Kazakhstan. The founder and the chief architect of Astana on the right is our President, Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev. An important, even decisive initiative to transfer the capital of our country from Almaty to Akmola was also expressed by President Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev. Taking such a wise and a fateful decision, he showed his sagacity and foresight, as a great statesman.
- The young capital, changing on the eye - symbol of creation, creativity and progress of the people of Kazakhstan. The modern capital of Kazakhstan grows and changes, it becomes all the more attractive to the people of Kazakhstan and foreign guests. A modern architectural style, in which are intertwined the best traditions of the European and Eastern cultures, the most fully reflects the Outlook of the new capital as a center of economy, politics and culture.
- Astana
became the pride of the new Kazakhstan, a symbol of the approval of
the national idea and the unification of the country. Future of Kazakhstan
is inextricably linked with the future of Astana which has recently
been perceived as a «new capital», and is
now an integral part of the new image of Kazakhstan, the country, looking
in the twenty-first century.
- Our
capital Astana now is located in the heart of Saryarka, in the center
of the Eurasian space. Astana surprised all of us, especially the foreigners,
their rapid and powerful pace of the construction, its unique beauty,
the variety of modern architecture.
Airport and railway station Astana
The railway junction at the
intersection of the lines Petropavlovsk -
Karaganda - Balkhash and Barnaul - Pavlodar
- Astana - Kartaly - Magnitogorsk. Is
located in the city Central office of
the national railway company «Kazakhstan Temir
A major highways: the town is the motorway M-36 Chelyabinsk - Alma-ATA
and S-343 Astana - Petropavlovsk. International airport,
Urban transport is presented by buses (40 routes, OK. 550 units), taxi
(21 routes, OK. 250 units). The total length of the city's route network
(2004) - 1720 km, annual passenger turnover - 115 million people. the
cost of travel - 60 tenge (in EN-route taxi - 65), 11 bus companies.
The city also operates a taxi.
Trolleybus was opened in 1983.
(3 route, however, since 2006, has been
left only 1 route # 4; 51.7 per
km of contact network, 40 units). In
2008 the only trolleybus Park is a
special state Commission has been recognized
as a loss because of the debts before
the energy supplying company and is completely
In the Park of culture and rest previously operated children's narrow-gauge
railway them. Hero Of The Soviet Union Яглинского M. In.,
open 9 June 1946. In the beginning of 2002, the Children's railway was
handed over to the balance of the city and by April 2002, completely
destroyed, removed rails, aligned traces of sleepers, in the building
of the station cafe, depo converted to a hostel visitors builders, part
of wagons used for caravans, the rest of the cut in scrap metal.
ASTANA (till 1961. Akmolinsk,
in 1961-92 gg. Tselinograd, in 1992-98
gg. Akmola), the capital of Kazakhstan,
on the right coast of the river.
Ishim river at the confluence into it
of the R. Ащилы-Ozek. 313 thousand
inhabitants (1999). The Cossack village of
Akmola (White Grave, or the Akmolinsk
order) was established in 1830., in 1862,
transformed in the city. Akmolinsk, the
main city of the Steppe General-governorship,
in 1920-28 gg. - center of Akmola
province. From 1939 center of the Akmola
region. in 1960-65 gg. - center of
Virgin territory, from 1965. - the administrative
center of Tselinograd region. (in 1992-98
gg. - Akmola). In December 1997, became
the capital of Kazakhstan, in June 1998
was renamed into Astana. Mash-tion (plants
"Selmash,"pump, repair), builds a., деревообр.,
light and food industry-ness. Node railway
in Petropavlovsk, Magnitogorsk, Karaganda and
Pavlodar; the airport. Children's railway in
the Park for the Ishim. 3 the University
and the Eurasian UN-t im. L. Mr..
Gumilev, museums of local lore and fine
arts. The Palace of tselinniks, 2 theatres.
A complex of governmental buildings (1998),
high-rise hotel "Astana,"the mosque, the
Church (Russian Orthodox, new apostles', Baptists,
Adventists). Has a rectangular layout of
streets, dominated by the construction of
the 1960-80-ies. New housing estates in
the South-Western outskirts. In A. writer
lived With. Seifullin.
Astana super capital
Astana supe capital