Контрольная работа по "иностранному языку"

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 27 Октября 2013 в 12:46, контрольная работа


Уильям Колгейт (нашли) Компания Colgate в 1806 году, как крахмал, мыло и свечи бизнес в Новых - Йорке. основан
За первые сто лет, компания (делать) все ее бизнеса в Соединенных Штатах Америки. сделал
Однако, в начале 1900-х годов, компания (begin) агрессивной экспансии, что программа (свинца) создание Colgate операциям в странах по всей Европе. Латинская Америка и Дальний Восток. начал, привел
Недавно он (Настройка) операций в Турции, Пакистане, Саудовской Аравии, Восточной Европы и Китая. создана

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Контрольная работа

по дисциплине: Профессиональный иностранный язык

по теме: Контрольная работа №3



Исполнитель: студент(ка)


 Профиль Гражданско-правовой

                                                       Группа ЮРу12-Ом

    Ф.И.О Федоренко Евгений                                    Валерьевич




Контрольная работа № 3

I. Раскройте  скобки и поставьте глагол  в Present Perfect или Past Simple, переведите (письменно):

Colgate Palmolive

    1. William Colgate (found) the Colgate Company in 1806 as a starch, soap and candle business in New York City. founded
    2. For the first one hundred years, the company (do) all its business in the United States. has done
    3. However, in the early 1900s, the company (begin) an aggressive expansion program that (lead) to the establishment of Colgate operations in countries throughout Europe. Latin America and the Far East. began, has led
    4. Recently it (set up) operations in Turkey, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Eastern Europe and China. has set up
    5. Colgate-Palmolive (become) a truly global consumer product company, worth 6,6$ billion and selling in more than 160 countries. became
    6. Colgate-Palmolive’s five main sectors of business are: Oral Care, Body Care, Houshold Surface Care, Fabric Care and Pet Nutrition and Health Care.
    7. In the area or Oral Care, Colgate-Palmolive is the world leader in toothpaste.
    8. Since 1980, the company (increase) its share of this market by more than 12% to over 40% today. has increased
    9. Oral care revenues (grow) significantly in recent years and in 1991, they (exceed) $1.3 billion. have grew, exceeded
    10. As a result of the company’s heavy investment in research and technology, it (develop) many successful toothpastes, rinses and toothbrushes. has developed
    11. To strengthen its presence in professional products, Colgate-Palmolive (buy) the Ora Pharm Company of Australia and the dental therapeutic business of Schever Laboratories USA in 1990. has bought
    12. For many years, the company (have) a strong dental education programme in schools throughout the world and (maintain) a close partnership with the intenational dental community. had, maintained
    13. Recently Colgate-Palmolive (enlarge) its school education programs to cover rural areаs as well as townships in developing countries. has enlarged
    14. For the last three years, the company (be) a major sponsor of the International Dental Congress, the world’s largest and most prestigious  dental meeting. was
    15. The company (always pay) close attention to the environment. always paid
    16. It (already make) great progress in the use of recyclable bottles and packaging materials. already has made
    17. In the 1990 the American Council on Economic Priorities (choose) Colgate-Palmolive as one of the four most socially responsible companies in the United States. chose

II.  Заполните пропуски формой used to.

  1. The baby doesn’t cry so much now, but she used to cry every night.
  2. Dennis doesn’t  smoke any more, but he used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day.
  3. She used to be my best friend but we are not friends any longer.
  4. She … the best friend but we … in Leeds. (предложение с опечаткой, думаю)
  5. When I was a child I used to like Ice-cream, but I don’t like it now.

III. Напишите вторую часть предложения в настоящем времени (форма used to не имеет формы настоящего времени).

Образец: Ron used to study hard but now he doesn’t study very hard. Ron didn’t used to smoke, but now he smokes.

  1. Tom used to play tennis a lot but now he doesn’t play anymore.
  2. Ann never used to drink coffee bur now she drinks a lot of it.
  3. Jill didn’t use to be fat, but now she wears clothes of a big size.
  4. Jack didn’t use to go out much but now he goes out every evening.

IV. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Whenever he was angry, he would walk out of the room. Как бы он ни был зол, он выйдет из комнаты.
  2. We used to live next to a railway line. Every time a train went past, the whole house would watch it. Раньше мы жили рядом с железнодорожной линией. Каждый раз, когда поезд проходил мимо, весь дом мог его видеть.
  3. That cinema is nearly always empty now. I remember a few years ago it would be crowded every night. Этот кинотеатр сейчас почти всегда пуст. Помню, несколько лет назад он, бывало, каждую ночь был переполнен.
  4. When Jane came to their place, Jack would always take an umbrella with him  whether it was raining or hot and would leave the house. Когда Джейн приехала к ним, Джек всегда брал зонт с собой, будь то дождливо или жарко, и уходил из дома.

V.1 Переведите предложения на русский язык.

    1. This is the town I used to live in. Это город, в котором я жил раньше.
    2. In the evenings Tom would come to my place and we would have a game or two of chess. По вечерам Том, бывало, приходил ко мне и мы играли по одной- две партии в шахматы.
    3. She would sit before the open window, watching with interest the busy life of the street. Она,  бывало, сидела перед открытым окном, наблюдая с интересом за насыщенной жизнью улицы.
    4. The South West part of Moscow to be a place with villages of small houses here and there; now it has turned into an area with beautiful high buildings. Юго-западная часть Москвы некогда представляла собой место, где были деревни с маленькими домами, стоящими там и тут; сейчас оно превратилось в территорию с красивыми большими зданиями.
    5. The two sisters are no longer as much alike as they used to be. Две сестры больше не похожи друг на друга, как были раньше.
    6. It’s a pity she can’t sing as she used to any longer. Как жаль, что она больше не может петь, как раньше.

V.2 Переведите предложения на английский язык.

  1. Бывало, она приходила на берег моря. She used to come to the seashore.
  2. Иногда там видели много людей. Sometimes there seen a lot of people.
  3. Когда я ходил в театр, я часто покупал самые дешевые билеты. When I would go to the theater, I often bought the cheapest tickets.
  4. Она сейчас поет не так хорошо, как раньше. Now she sings not as good as she used to before.
  5. Они, бывало, встречались в этом парке. They used to meet in this park.



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