Лондон на английском

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 20 Октября 2011 в 22:31, статья


Текст о Лондоне

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    My future job is dealing with hydrology. I study a lot of special  and common subjects.

    My first aim as specialist is to take care of ecological situation of river system, to prevent different types of river pollution and control them, to study properties of water object and its hydrological regime, forecast phenomena as floods, which will help to prevent the possible destructions of objects of national economy, flooding agricultural lands, to decrease the material losses after disastrous influence of water.

    I’m eager to be a high qualified specialist, useful citizen of our society and do my bit in solving of urgent problems of our country. 

Информация о работе Лондон на английском