
Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 27 Декабря 2011 в 13:02, доклад


Problem of motivation and motives of behavior in activity – one of the cores in psychology. Hardly there will be such area of psychology which wouldn't mention motivational process.

Now the motivation as the mental phenomenon is treated differently. In one case — as set of the factors supporting and directing, i.e. defining behavior, in other case — as set of motives, in the third — as the prompting causing activity of an organism and defining it направлен¬ность.

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     Problem of motivation and motives of behavior in activity – one of the cores in psychology. Hardly there will be such area of psychology which wouldn't mention motivational process.

     Now the motivation as the mental phenomenon is treated differently. In one case — as set of the factors supporting and directing, i.e. defining behavior, in other case — as set of motives, in the third — as the prompting causing activity of an organism and defining it направлен¬ность. Besides, the motivation is considered as process of mental regulation of concrete activity, as action process мо¬тива and as the mechanism defining occurrence, a direction and ways осуще¬ствления concrete forms of activity, as cumulative system of the processes which are responsible for prompting and activity.

     The way to effective professional work of the person lies through understanding of its motivation. Only knowing that moves the person that, induces it to the activity, what motives underlie its actions, it is possible to try to develop effective system of forms and management methods it. For this purpose it is necessary to know, how arise or those or other motives are caused, as well as in what ways, motives can be put in action as motivation of people is carried out.

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