Нефтяная отрасль - JSC KazMunaiGas

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 12 Апреля 2012 в 22:29, реферат


JSC KazMunaiGas Exploration Production (KMG EP or the Company) produces crude oil, natural and associated gas from its hydrocarbon reserves on-shore in Kazakhstan. The Company also has an active exploration programme to maintain and grow its reserve base.
JSC KazMunaiGas Exploration Production is a subsidiary of the national company for oil and gas operations in the Republic of Kazakhstan, JSC National Company KazMunaiGas (NC KMG). It was formed in March 2004 through the merger of JSC UzenMunaiGas (UMG) and JSC EmbaMunaiGas (EMG).

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The Bank of New York 
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New York, NY 10286 
United States of America 
Tel.:            +1 212 815 44 93       
Fax: +1 212 571 30 50 
Telex: 62736 Western Union

Moscow representative office

3 Krymskyi val, Building 2, Suite 205 
Moscow, 119049, Russia 
Tel:             +7 495 627 73-18       
Fax: +7 495 627 73-19 
e-mail: admin@kmgep.ru

Информация о работе Нефтяная отрасль - JSC KazMunaiGas