Productive models of new words in English

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 10 Марта 2011 в 15:50, реферат


Scientific and technical revolution, progress of means of a mass communication, prompt progress of a public life lead to birth of huge quantity of new words and values, called «neologism explosion». There are new openings, concepts about earlier known facts and the phenomena of the validity, as well as about essence and functioning of these phenomena go deep. Occurrence in language of new designations - words – is the mandatory satellite of a new society in the field of culture, whether it be production of goods, a spiritual life, a fashion or relationships of people, social groups or the states.

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Federal education agency

Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation

State educational institution of higher education

Izhevsk state technical university

Translator’s Institute 


on theme: « Productive models of new words in English» 

                                                               Performed by                  Klimova K.I.

                                                                                                       group 45-08

                                                              Checked up by                 assistant professor

                                                                                                       Pirozhkova L.N. 





The new life requires new words and by that predetermines variability of dictionary structure. Variation of the dictionary is a natural and constant movement in language. New realities bring the names in language. So there are neologisms. 

Fair opinion of V. V. Vinogradov is «formation of new words is practically continuous process, but called new growths originally represent the facts of speech and become the facts of language only as a result of repeated reconstruction in a ready type» [3 С. 168]. 

Scientific and technical revolution, progress of means of a mass communication, prompt progress of a public life lead to birth of huge quantity of new words and values, called «neologism explosion». There are new openings, concepts about earlier known facts and the phenomena of the validity, as well as about essence and functioning of these phenomena go deep. Occurrence in language of new designations - words – is the mandatory satellite of a new society in the field of culture, whether it be production of goods, a spiritual life, a fashion or relationships of people, social groups or the states. 

1. A meaning of a world-formation model.


Basic classification unit in word-formation is the word-formation model, or word-formation type. It is the diagram, the sample, analogue, model, all that locates a rule of construction of derivative words, a rule which considers type of making bases both word-formation means and generalized semantics of the same words shaped as a result of their interoperability [4, с. 196].. 

The model derivative is most the general formula of the same formations, it is their structural-semantic analogue. It is the stable structure possessing generalized value of lexical categories and capable to be filled with a various lexical material. 

In English language there is the structural model reflecting a structure of derivative adjectives, for example construction “-ly”: womanly 'женственный', manly 'мужественный', kingly 'королевский' and etc., the structural-semantic word-formation model of these derivatives should specify, that their making bases are names of persons on relationship, profession, to the social status, etc., meshing a suffix “-ly” in value of similarity. 

2. A productive/ an efficient of a world-formation model in English languages.


The scientists for a long time it has been noticed, that on one word-formation models it is possible to form almost infinite or, at least, significant number of derivatives, others are characterized by inability to free manufacture of words. 

The productive is more likely the quantitative characteristic word-formation of some: the model is productive, when on its sample in language tens, and even hundreds derivatives are created. 

From preceding appears, that efficiency is a static characteristic of word-formation system, it is the account of results of its action, this reflection of realization of capacity of different word-formation models during the certain temporary periods to word-formation [5, С. 21]. 

Many word-formation models differ in quantitative aspect: compare limited enough and closed list of derivatives with a suffix “-dom” (kingdom, princedom, etc.) and the huge, open number of derivatives with a suffix “-er”  (printer, paper, etc.) 

2.1. Sources of appearing new wards.


1. Phonologic, artificial.

Very few words are formed in such a way. For example, the word “krunk” (классный, крутой), apparently, is formed so. Other example – a noun “schtick” – features of behavior, is used mainly when it is a question of behavior of known people, singers, etc. 

2. Sound symbolism.

One more source of occurrence of new words - imitation the sounds existing in the nature. In each language there are the words simulating sounds, made by people, animal, designating is certain-the actions. 

Dork, dink, dum-dum (recurrence of a sound «d» in the given words, being synonyms, allows to come to the conclusion that it designates "глупость"), mum (imitation a mimicry of a  person becomes a source of occurrence of a new word). 

3. Productive ways of formation of neologisms

There are next productive ways of formation of neologisms in modern English language:

  1. an affixation:
    1. a suffixion
    2. a prefixion
  2. a composition,
  3. an abbreviation,
  4. a conversion, 
  5. a reduction.

The affixation

The suffixion.

One of the most productive ways of formation of neologisms is affixation. Huge number of new words forms with help of affixation presently. In modern English language word-formation models of nouns with suffixes are allocated with the efficiency:

  • —ie: townie, yuppie
  • —er: suspender, tagger, pinker, suspender
  • —ing: gusseting, mashing, saving
  • —ist: euhemerist, chorologist, sociologist,
  • —ism: ableism, bufferism, electoralism, expatriatism

Nouns with half-suffixion are noted in structure of new words

    • aholic: creamaholic, jadeaholic, clothesaholic
    • —ati: jazzerati, numerati
    • —gate: Contragate, Irangate
    • —nomics: bimbonomics, Dukakonomic, Lawsonomics, Rogernomics.

For new verbs is characteristic the suffix:

  • —ize: anonymize, awfulize, catastrophize, champenize, corporatize, marmelize, quietize, weaponize.

Model adjectives with next suffixes are very productive in modern English language:

  • —able: microwaveable
  • —ish: darkish, baddish
  • —y: flabby, kissy

The most productive prefixes are:

  • anti—: antivirus, antistatic
  • de—: decompress, delist, demerge,
  • re—:  re-beating, rebounder, reflag,
  • non—: non-lethal, non-performing,
  • un—: uncap, untie
  • dis—: disadoptive
  • pre—: pre-sale,
  • super—: superdelegate, supergravity, supervisor

Half-prefixes are also entering in structure ward-formation:

  • loadsa—: loadsamoney,
  • auto—: autocondimentation,
  • tele—: telecom, televise, telenovela,
  • heli—: heliculture, heli-skiing

The composition.

Many new words which were was extended English language last 15-20 years, are formed by a composition. Mainly it is the complex words formed by simple addition of bases:

For example: airmiss,   arm-twist,   ballpark,   bid-proof,   blackwash,   chalkface,   chatelaine,   clubbite,   colour-blind,   cook-chill, crackhead, dieman, eyeprint, free-fall, glasnost, granite-wash, gridlock, humanware, jump-rope, moneyman, pad-bolt, pitchperson, popmobility, ropeline, runway, seajack, time-graft, veinprint. 

The abbreviation.

The conversation is actively operating and extremely productive way of word-formation during the given period of progress of English language. Last decades the conversation, as the language phenomenon, has got greater propagation


The conversion. 

The conversion is productive way of formation of neologisms.

 the converted new growths of two types are noted:

  1. formation of verbs from nouns.

For example: bin - to bin, feeder - to feeder, flan - to flan, gender - to gender, office - to office, port - to port,  silicone - to silicone, source - to source.

  1. formation of nouns from verbs

For example: to spend - spend. 

It is necessary to note, that the conversion model N> V is much more active, than model V>N. 

Progress of lexicon of English language occurs not only due to formation of new words and word-combinations, but also by means of creation of new lexico-semantic versions of words. For example, such common words as “air, bottom, box” have changed the values by means of metaphorical carry.  Except for major importance "проветривать, сушить" a word “air” began to be used in value « передавать по радио или телевидению». The word bottom with major importance « дно, низ, нижняя часть, конец » has received value «политическое единство», word “box” «положить в коробку», gave new meaning «показывать по телевидению». 


So, word-formation is the main thing, but not unique means of enrichment of dictionary structure of English language. Any language never managed one only own lexical  means. Loan by the right is considered by researchers as one of sources of updating of lexicon of English language. 

There are words of the Chinese origin (gai-ge, qinghaosu), Japanese (aiki-jutsu, nashi, waribashi, zaitech), Arabian (intifada), as well as loans from the Indian languages (Bhangra, paneer), Polish (Nizinny), German (kletten prinzip) and French (frisee, frais, fromage, pecher, tranche, unijambist, visagiste) in dictionary structure of modern English language 

In summary we shall emphasize, that updating of lexicon of modern English language almost completely follows the account of internal resources, foreign loans play the minimal role. 


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  5. Хаскина Е.М. Продуктивные способы словообразования в современном английском языке // Иностранные языки в школе. – 1953. – №6. – С. 20 – 29.
  6. Царев П.В. Продуктивное именное словообразование в современном английском языке. – М.: МГУ, 1984. – 224 с. 
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