Структура делового письма

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 25 Октября 2011 в 17:16, реферат


We read your advertisement in the ‘Pet Magazine’ of 25th April. We are interested in buying your erumpent for producing pet food. Would you kindly send us more information about this equipment:
price (please CIF Odessa price)
dates of delivery
terms of payment
if the price includes the cost of equipment installation and staff training

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Лингвокоммерческий  коментарий

Структура делового письма

Адреса  в Англии и Америке  имеют следующий  вид: 



Government of Canada

Office of the Chairman

Public Service Commission

Ottawa, Ontario


Attention: P. Smith  

Dear Sir:                                                         December 24, 2011  

Ref: PC Program analyst  

Beside me big request. I want to work at your company. I want to work manager. 

                                                    You’re sincerely, 

                                    G. Zhangosy

                                    G. Znangosy


                                    General Services Division 



cc: D.Dube 

Надписи и объевления


Прибытие                                            Arrivals

Регистрация багажа                  Baggage check in

Получение багажа                 Baggage claim

Прокат багажных тележек                 Cart rental end

Регистрация              Check in

Только для  пассажиров первого класса            First class only  

В городе:

Внимание       Attention

Не сорить       Not to litter

Штраф 50 дол.               $ 50 Fine

Стойте       Don’t walk

Идите        Walk

Личные вещи       Personal belongings

Автобусная остоновке       Bus stop

Выход автобусу       Exit to bus 

Дорожные  указатели:

Объезд                                              Detour

Обгон запрещен       No passing

Железнодорожный переезд     Railroad crossing

Кольцевое движение      Traffic circle

Автомагистраль       Traffic line

Стоянка запрещена       No parking

Общественная  стоянка     Public parking

Ремонт автомашин       Auto repair

Мойка автомашин       Car wash

Осторожно.Дети.      Slow. Children

Органичение скорости 55 миль\час   Speed limit 55 

                  Виды  городского транспорта:

Городская электричка      Electric railway  

Трамвай        Tram

Троллейбус       Trolleybus

Автобус        Bus

Двухэтажный автобус  в Англии   Double-decer 

Междугородный туристический автобус  Coach

Метро       Metro

Такси        Taxi, cab 

Фрагмент  расписания в аэропорту 

DEPART                                    FLIGHT                PRIVE                 PRICE

LONDON (Heathrow) – ATHENS

 0750                                  88 250                         1425                  315.25

  0810                                 lz 171                         1505                  330.50


1955                                  su 213                           2215                  05.10

Istanbul – Beirut

1550                                  lo 191                           1805                   73.75

1630                                  to 233                           1845                   91.96


1455       lz 1700                          1740                  88.70

1615       pm 102                            1915                  88.00

Istanbul – ANKARA

1420        lz 1550                           1812                 2045

1720        om 1455                          1522                  2300 


Sample Inquiry Letter

Pet. Product Ltd.

180 London Road

Exeter EX4 4JY


                                                      25th April. 2011

Dear Sir.

   We read your advertisement in the ‘Pet Magazine’ of 25th   April. We are interested in buying your erumpent for producing pet food. Would you kindly send us more information about this equipment:

  • price (please CIF Odessa price)
  • dates of delivery
  • terms  of payment
  • guarantees
  • if the price includes the cost of equipment installation and staff training

Our company specializes in distributing pet products UN Ukraine. We have more than 50 dealers and representatives in different regions and would like to start producing pet food in receive in Ukraine. If your equipment meets our teguments, and we receive a favourable offer, we will be able to place a large order for your equipment. 

Your early would be appreciated. 


                Yours  faithfully,                                                           G. Zhangosy

                                            G. Znangosy

                                          Export – Import Manager


Информация о работе Структура делового письма