Ұлттық спорт пен ойындардың теориялық және педагогикалық негіздері

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 01 Марта 2013 в 14:58, автореферат


Дене тәрбиесі басқа да тәрбие құралдары сияқты жас баладан бастап, барлық жастағы адамдар тәрбиесінде кеңінен қолданылады. Дене тәрбиесін игеру кезінде оның теориялық және тәжірибелік бағыттары негізге алынып, оқу-жаттығу жұмыстарының жоспарлары мен бағдарламалары түзіледі. Осы бағдарламалар негізінде педагогикалық жұмыстардың принциптері мен әдістемелері жасалады.

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В работе дана оценка  роли и значения национальных традиций и обычаев в формировании содержания физического воспитания.

Приведены работы казахстанских просветителей педагогов, мыслителей о роли физического воспитания подрастающего поколения.

В третьем разделе  проанализирована роль и место национальных форм физического воспитания в педагогическом процессе. Использование национальных игр и спорта в школах, вузах и спортивных учреждениях.

В четвертом разделе  проведено исследование роли  национальных форм физического воспитания в массовом спорте высших достижений.

В пятом разделе проведен анализ законодательных актов, решений  и программ по развитию физической культуры и спорта в РК. А также место национальных игр и спорта в этих документах. Приведены данные о работах федераций и ассоциаций. Проведен анализ правил соревнований по национальным видам спорта и классификационных требований, системы поощрений победителей и призеров, участников.

Апробация и внедрение результатов исследования осуществлялось в ходе исследовательской работы путем участия в международных республиканских и региональных научно- теоретических конференциях.

По теме диссертации опубликовано 4 – учебных пособий, 6- научных статьи в зарубежных изданиях, 14 в изданиях рекомендованных ВАК МОН РК. Получены 6 актов внедрения, 1 – патент.

Всего по теме диссертации  опубликованы 45 публикаций. Основные положения  диссертаций доложены  и в научных конференциях в Сеуле (Корея) [2004],  Улан-Батор (2006) Монголия, на семинарах Федерации «Казах күресі», «Ат спорты», «Тогызкумалак», «Алтын жебе», в спортивных школах РК.

Диссертация изложена на 239 страницах компьютерного набора и включает 7 таблиц, 30 рисунков, 205 списков литературных источников и 10 приложений. 





















Alimkhanov Yelemes


Theoretical and pedagogical basis of national sport types and games


13.00.04 – The theory and methodology of physical up-bringing, sport training, sanitary and adaptive physical culture


Objective of this work is defined by the necessity of theoretical and pedagogical substantiation of national types of sport and games in the context of modern needs presented in the field of education and sport.

A high interest is noticed among people in terms of their spiritual and cultural values against their own nations, including national forms of physical up-brining.

Nowadays, national sports and games are widely used in mass sport types in order to motivate people to healthy lifestyle, to prepare sportsmen, specialists and coaches in physical culture.

Enriching national types of sport and games with new theoretical and pedagogical rules give the opportunity to develop theoretical and pedagogical regulations for educational institutions in preparation of sportsmen.

Hypothesis of the research: it is assumed that research of theoretical and pedagogical basis of national types of sport and games give the opportunity to reasonably prove that from ancient times Kazakh nation has built the original system of physical up-brining by means of national sports and games.

Aim of the research: to enrich theoretical and pedagogical basis of national types of sport and games in the light of demand of present time

Object of the research: national types of sport and games, educational and sporting institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Subject of the research: improvements in the development of national types of sport and games in conditions of sovereign Kazakhstan

Scientific novelty:

- A modern state of development and use of national types of physical up-bringing is revealed

- A role and a place of national sport and games in pedagogical process of physical upbringing and ethno-pedagogic are found 

- The place of national sports and games in the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan are analyzed

- A theoretical and practical basing are given for transformation of national games into individual types of sport.

- A classification and terminology of national types of sport and games are defined more exactly and enriched 

Theoretical significance of the research: the results supplement the scientific basis of national forms of physical up-brining

Practical significance: findings of the author can be used in practical work in any educational and sports institutions providing population with physical up-bringing and for preparation and re-preparation of physical resources on refresher trainings.  

The main thesis brought out for defense:

1. Currently the lack of theoretical and pedagogical basis of national forms of physical up-bringing can be observed

2. There is lack of elucidation of the role of national games and sports in pedagogical process

3. To prove the role of national sports in mass sport and sports of high achievements

4. To prove the necessity in systematization, classification of national types of sport and games, and define their terminology.

Volume and the structure of the dissertation

The dissertation consists of 5 chapters, findings, practical recommendations, list of references and appendices. 

In the first chapter the aim and objectives of research is determined.

In the second chapter there was shown the necessity of theoretical and pedagogical justification of national types of sport and games in the context of modern scientific needs and practices.

The analyses of scientific studies of native and foreign researchers working in the filed of development of national forms of physical up-bringing are provided. Among 121 defended candidate and doctor dissertations under the code 13.00.04 – the theory and methodology of physical up-bringing, sport trainings, sanitary and adaptive physical culture, 10 candidate dissertations were dedicated to national types of sports, 5 of which were in Kazakh language.

Among 17 doctors’ dissertations the studies of Tanekeyev, M. “The theory and practice of inter-influence of national and international factors in the development of physical up-bringing and sport in Kazakhstan” (1998), and “historic-pedagogical basis in formation and development of the system of physical culture in Kazakhstan” by Doskarayev. B. (2009) raise questions national forms of physical up-bringing.

A brief overview is made on historical development of national types of sport and games.

The role of national traditions and customs in the development of physical up-bringing is given in the study.

The role of physical up-brining of young generation is given in the light of Kazakh enlighteners, teacher and thinkers. 

In the third chapter the role and place of national forms of physical up-bringing in pedagogical process are analyzed.

Application of national games and sports in schools, universities and sport institutions are studied.

In the fourth chapter the role of national forms of physical up-bringing in mass sport of high achievements is investigated.

In the fifth chapter the legislation systems, ways and programs for development of national games and sports in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and their place in them are studied. Data of federations and associations’ work are given. The rules for competitions in national games and sports and classification requirements, a system of winner award and participants were analyzed.

Approbation and introduction of the results of the research were made during research work with participation in international, republic and regional scientific – theoretical conferences.

In the scope of the dissertation 4 manuals, 6 scientific articles are published in international editions, 14 in editions recommended by HAC of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 6 acts of introduction are received. 1 – patent.

In total 45 publications were published for the topic of dissertation. the main statements of dissertation reported also in scientific conference in Seoul (Korea, 2004), on the seminar of “Kazakh Kures” Federation in Ulan- Bator (Mongolia, 2006), and sport schools “At Sporty”, “Togyzkumalak”, “Altyn Zhebe” in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Dissertation consists of 239 pages of computer entry and includes 7 charts, 30 pictures, 205 lists of used literature and sources and 10 appendices.




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