Свобода и судьба

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 24 Января 2012 в 20:43, реферат


В философии судьба понимается как предопределенность событий и поступков, совокупность всего сущего, которое влияет и не может не влиять на бытие человека, народа и т. д. Греки персонифицировали судьбу в виде Мойры, Тюхе, Ате, Адрастеи. Понятие судьбы у них было тесно связано со справедливостью, которая в свою очередь была одной из кардинальных (главных) этических добродетелей. Мы можем сочувствовать прикованному Прометею, но смысл

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A computer is machine with an intricate network of electronic circuits that operate switches or  magnetize tiny metal cores.

The switches, like the cores are capable of being in one two possible states, that is, on or off; magnetized or demagnetized.The  machine is capable of storing and manipulating numbers, letters and characters (symbols).

The basic idea of a computer is that we can make the machine do what we want by inputting signals that turn certain switches on and turn others off,or magnetize  or do not magnetize the cores. 

The basic job of computers is processing information. For this reason computers can be defined as devices which accept information in the form of instructions, called a program,and characters, called data, perform mathematical and/or logical operations on the information, and then supply results of these operations. The program, or  part of it, which tells the computers what to do and the data, which provide the information needed to solve the problem, are kept inside the computer in a place called memory. 

it is considered that computers have many remarkable powers.However most computers, whether large or small, have three basic capabilities 

First, computers have circuits for performing arithmetic operations, such as: addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and exponentiation. 

Second, computers have a mens of communicating with the user. After all, if we couldn'n feed information in and get results back, these machines wouldn't be of much use.Some of the most common methods of inputiing information are to use terminals, diskettes, disks and magnetic tapes.The  computer's input device (a  disk drive or tape drive) reads the information into the computer. For outputting information two common devices are used: a printer, printing the new information on paper, and a cathode-ray-tube display, which shows the results on a TV-like screen. 

Third, computers have  circuits which can make decisions.The kinds of  decisions which computer circuits can make are not of the type: "Who would win  the war bewttn two countries?"  or "Who is the richest person in the world?" Unfortunately, the computer can decide three things, namely: Is one number less than another?Are two numbers equal? And, Is one number greater than another? 

A computer can solve a series of problems and make thoudands of logical decisions without becoming tired. It can find the solition to a problev in a fraction of the time it takes a human being to do the job. 

A computer can replace people in dull, routine tasks, but it works according to the instrutions given to it. there are times when a computer seems to operate  like a mechanical 'brain', but its achievements are limited by the minds of human beings. A computer cannot do anything unless a person tells it what to do abd gives it the necessary information; but because electric pulses can move at the speed of light, a  computer can carry out great numbers og arithmetic-logical operations almost instantanepusly.A person can do the same, but in many cases that person would be dead long before the job was finished.

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