Abstracts on architecture

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Chapter 1: «Monuments of architecture XVIII - first half XIX centuries»

Chapter 2: «Monuments of architecture of the end XIX - the beginnings of XX centuries»

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The abstract: "Architecture"

Section: Abstracts on architecture

The maintenance: 

Chapter 1: «Monuments of architecture XVIII - first half XIX centuries» 

Chapter 2: «Monuments of architecture of the end XIX - the beginnings of XX centuries» 

Chapter 1: «Monuments of architecture XVIII - first half XIX centuries» 

Settling of forest-steppe space has begun with the middle of XVIII century

Pioneers of settling of Siberia, natives of northeast districts

Russia, have transferred to Siberia the плотницкий experience, ability to use wood as the basic building material. Originally immigrants cut small izbas. With the economy device put log huts, five-walls or houses from two log huts with a course through an outer entrance hall. Later such houses began to cut in one communication (three-chambered dwellings) and to put furnaces with flues. In a number of villages

Bolsherechensky, Gorki, Muromtsevsky, Kolosovsky, Krutinsky areas houses of construction of the end XVIII have still remained - the beginnings of XIX centuries It is monuments of wooden architecture. 

Representation about dwellings of Siberians gives drawing of a city of the Container, executed in 1734. On it single-chamber dwellings, log huts prevail. From 60 structures which contours are accurately designated, only five houses the two-chamber. The majority of structures the attached outer entrance hall - below level волоковых windows is shown high.

Obviously, log huts stood on подклетях on what it is informed and in descriptions. In Container drawing only on воеводском the house three chimneys are shown. On other houses and log huts of pipes it is not shown, but on all are designated on one or on two волоковых windows under a roof with вырубом in 1 - 2 numbers. Курные log huts prevailed in villages. 

From the middle of XVIII century in Container, and then and in a new Omsk fortress brick manufacture develops and erection of stone structures begins. 

In 1755 there is begun building of Spassky church in Container. 

The Siberian churches did not differ the big variety. Few groups of builders, as a rule, passing from object to object, transferred to the next building of line previous. But, creatively using traditions, they in each building brought new elements. Erected in Container the Tobolsk masters the Spassky church on many details repeats

Mihajloarhangelsky, Krestovozdvizhensky and other Tobolsk churches, but at the same time in its registration are original motives. 

Spassky church - unique in Omsk  the bright sample of the Siberian baroque. As many temples of Tobolsk and Tyumen, it has three-private «трапезную» the scheme of a composition the ship, consisting of a building of the basic temple, трапезной and притвора on which the belltower is erected.

Proportions of the basic parts are strictly sustained, трапезная it is a little already a temple and still already a tetrahedron притвора on which it is put three-storied восьмерик belltowers. A building two-storeyed. The first the floor which served as winter church, comes to an end with a vaulted ceiling. The basic volume of church makes a cubic quadrangle двухсветного the second floor which was summer church. From an East side the temple is adjoined by an altar which is coming to an end semicircular абсидой with small главкой at level of windows of the second circle of the basic volume. Wide arch apertures connect the first and second floors to an altar and трапезной. Very expressive contrast of the low dark ground floor from light space of the summer church crowning a vaulted ceiling. As well as in the Tobolsk churches, dome end

Spassky church is based directly on четверике the basic volume. But тарская the church has no the figured pediments decorating the Tobolsk and Tyumen churches. 

Characteristic sign of architecture of the Siberian baroque - contrastly decreasing temple weddings. The dome тарской churches is topped by the octahedral extended chapter with bulbous end. On a tetrahedron притвора - three-storied восьмерик belltowers with wide apertures of a belfry with extended by the head and end. 

Special art architectural value of Spassky church is given by a colourful ornament of walls of a platband with intense arc pediments.

Platbands are laid out лекальным by a brick that is inherent in a Baroque taste. They are issued in the form of profile peaks on the columns intercepted

«дыньками» in what lines of Old Russian partitioning надоконных peaks are guessed. Орнаментированы brick ledges and walls. 

In church archives year of the termination of building of Spassky church is underlined 1776. In the same archives the service beginning is marked 1760.

Possibly, the ground floor has been finished and in it have begun service. The belltower termination, plaster and an iconostasis list could finish in 1776. And means collected from parishioners, did not allow a message hard works. 

Spassky church of Container - a capital construction. It is combined from большемерного a brick on a limy solution. A thickness of walls of the ground floor

165 sm, the second - 133 see the General height more than 40 metres. The church has staid more than 220 years. Its laying and plaster have well remained. Only last decades some loss is caused to external registration of a building. 

Except Spassky, in Container have been constructed: in 1776 Bogorodsky, in 1783

- Nikolaev, in 1789 - Tikhvin, in 1792 - Uspensky and in 1831 -

The Paraskoveevsky. The person of cities in XVIII - was defined XIX centuries by cult architecture. High and elegant church buildings decorated cities. In Container on high увале and coast Arkarki stood four churches. 

The building of a serf Voskresensky cathedral became the first stone structure of Omsk. Under the project made in 1764 of I.Malmom, a cathedral in a new fortress should take places along the street going from Tarsky gate to the central parade-ground, i.e. from the north on the south. Sent from Tobolsk on cathedral building as «knowing in architecture of stone building»

Ivan Tcherepanov has found out not correctness directed by a cathedral on the fortress plan. The cathedral an altar addressed on the south, instead of on the east as it was demanded by church rules. An error have corrected. From under Semipalatinsk the stone for the base has been delivered and the building basis is put in pawn. After that work was continued by Kozma Tcherepanov «as much in a stone structure knowing, as well as his brother». 

In registration of the Voskresensky cathedral already there are no baroque excesses, lines of more strict style are appreciable. 

Unlike Spassky church the Voskresensky cathedral had no analogues with the Tobolsk constructions and was an original structure. Its basic case made a single whole with трапезной and more reminded a building of civil architecture. The thickness of walls - 165 see the Cathedral became the main construction of a fortress. High with two circles of windows the central volume finished by five heads upholstered with a white tin and a three-storied belltower with a tent dominated over surrounding district. Archangels on a dome have been represented in Cossack папахах. In the central figure lines of legendary ataman Ermaka were guessed. The Voskresensky cathedral has not remained up to now. 

Wooden church Sergija existing in an old fortress Radonezhsky after erection of the Voskresensky cathedral has been disassembled and transported in village

The Gornokulachinsky. Later on a place of Spassky gate of an old fortress the Ilinsky church which has staid to the middle of the thirtieth years of our century has been put. 

In 1792 on an East side of a serf parade-ground near генералитетского at home it has been constructed stone Lutheran кирха, remained up to now. It is an one-storeyed building, from an East side to it it is attached semicircular абсида an altar. On the main facade - the small ledge which is coming to the end with a triangular pediment on which the pig-iron plate with date of construction of a building is strengthened. In an original form the building crowned on the centre a small baroque octahedral turret with a peaked spike. In the beginning XX in it have transferred on a building South side, in a consequence it has been disassembled. 

The monument decor is remarkable. It is sustained in a Baroque taste. Windows have simple rectangular сандрики and curvilinear frames. Building corners are approximated and раскрепованы by pilasters. 

In Omsk one more monument of temple building - Cossack has remained

Nikolsky church, the sample of Russian classicism of first half XIX century

Church drawings have been executed by the outstanding Russian architect of Century of the Item


Building of Nikolsky church has begun in 1833 and has come to the end in

1840. The facade притвора is decorated by semicolumns and разетки between them. Southern and northern facades of the basic temple cover powerful portals with strict pediments over them. Columns of porticoes are slightly narrowed up, that strengthens their monumentalism even more. 

The main relic of the Siberian Cossack army was stored in Nikolsky church - banner Ермака. On legends this banner has been made in an ancestral lands

Строгановых also it is sent Ермаку after a victory over Кучумом. 

Building begins with the end of 18 centuries in Omsk and in Container stone administrative and residential buildings. More active such building proceeded in first half of 19 centuries. Many buildings constructed during this period, are historical and architectural monuments. Oldest of them - a building of the former guardroom. 

Guardroom building has begun in 1781. By this time in architecture classicism has already extended, but in guardroom registration lines of baroque in надоконных eaves are still appreciable. In a Baroque taste the turret crowning a building is constructed also. In simplicity and severity of components of a building of a guardroom, its registration are already appreciable line and new style. 

On the front party of a guardroom - small ledges, in the middle - a pediment. At initial registration at level of lateral ledges the ground floor was covered with covered gallery on six columns. Later the gallery has been disassembled, and the building facade has opened for a review. The ground floor is finished рустовкой. Walls of the second floor - smooth, interrupt four pilasters in the central part and надоконными baroque ornaments. 

In 19 century along the edges of a guardroom North side two side-altars (extension) have been built. Two More extensions are erected in 20 century. 

In 30е years tetrahedral with the cut off corners the turret with hours and a pig-iron plate with construction date has been removed. Turrets of a guardroom and кирхи in a combination to a belltower of the Voskresensky cathedral created an interesting high-rise profile of a serf parade-ground. 

In 1799 the ensemble of the serf area has been finished by last building which has received the name commandant's at home. In the middle of 19 centuries the commandant

Omsk fortress was д’Граве. During penal servitude Ф. M.Dostoevsky д’Граве and his family as could facilitated to consider the writer who often happened in the house д’Граве, it here accepted «as native». The central part of a building leaving on the east, stands out a little, is finished by pilasters and has a high pediment with a round aperture in тимпане. On the main facade of 10 windows having a rectangular frame with high сандриками., characteristic the decision of window apertures is interesting to walls with metre thickness: slopes extend in a premise and pass more light. As a whole the building has no certain stylistic characteristic. 

The unique apartment house of construction of the end of 18 centuries has remained in Container. It is a three-storyed, stone private residence of a merchant of Ivan Nerpina covered with iron, which

«It is constructed изрядною архитектурою as outside so from within it is cleaned шекатурною хорошею I work». In registration of private residence Нерпина there are no excesses. The ground floor is separated by a horizontal corbel. The third, built in the form of a penthouse, comes to an end сухариками, supporting eaves, and a low pediment with a modelled ornament on a plane тимпана. 

Architectural monument are remained up to now

The Tobolsk gate of the Omsk fortress. They are constructed in the end of 18 centuries and two powerful longitudinal walls represent in the thickness of 1,2 metres blocked by the brick arch. On each side walls are strengthened by massive buttresses. Input arches are framed on each side by the coupled pilasters. Double карнизная draught and step parapets finish a construction. 

With transformation of Omsk into a regional city, and then into the centre Zapodno -

Siberian the general of a-governorship, in it has quickened building mainly office buildings. Most outstanding of them - military school buildings, the sample of Russian classicism. After construction in

1826 in it the army Cossack school has been placed. The building was under construction under «the exemplary project», widely applied during this period. 

Two-storeyed, on a high socle with six-columned ионическим a portico which is the main plastic accent of a structure, with the narrow windows issued by platbands, is a building the attention harmony of the details and style completeness draws. Wide interfloor профилированный eaves членит a building facade along the edges of which columns and semicolumns are located by small ledges. In 80th years of last century to an ancient building of a military school educational and sleeping three-storyed premises, and in 1960 - a swimming pool have been attached. It has a little impoverished a building. However value of a monument remains. 

In the past a wide smart ladder in the sixties our century with expansion of a carriageway of Lenin lateral descents that has even more improved a building are reconstructed, built. 

In 1833-1836 behind northern line of an esplanade on right bank Оми the two-storeyed building of offices of office of central administrative board of Western Siberia has been constructed. In 60th years of our century at a building the third floor is built on. Registration of a front part is sustained in uniform style. 

In 1840 the wooden premise of the cloth factory working in Omsk already twenty years has been disassembled, and on its place the two-storeyed stone building which has remained up to now is constructed. This building (Marx's prospectus

№9) - one of the first industrial buildings in Siberia - is istoriko - an architectural monument. 

In 1857 on the area before Nikolsky church the three-storyed building of army board (street Korolenko, 18) is constructed. 

Several years later in a fortress construct a building of military meeting

(The modern House of officers). The two-storeyed building with auditorium is issued in style of classicism and has value both architectural, and a historical monument. In it the Soviet power in territory of Western Siberia has been proclaimed. 

In 1861 in a left-bank part of a city on the area between Nikolsky and

Ilinsky церквами building of the new house of the general governor has been finished. It was carried out under the guidance of architect Wagner and engineer Lazareva. The General the-governor's house in Omsk began to be called as a palace. This two-storeyed building on a high socle with a high tower and a flagstaff. Along with the largest cities of empire the right of lifting of a flag and salute in solemn days is given Omsk. The building is sustained in classical style. Subsidiary one-storeyed premises symmetrically protected a court yard. 

In the end of XVIII century for the Siberian cities it has been developed three variants of facades of brick and wooden two-storeyed houses with benches on the ground floor.

Under these projects in Container, and after willows Omsk were erected stone, and more - the ground floors stone, and the second - wooden, buildings. In Container many houses of construction of the end 18 - the beginnings of 19 centuries have remained. These houses, as a rule, are decorated by a wooden carving and represent certain value. Such 15 houses in Container are registered as monuments of wooden architecture. In

Omsk trade has been more poorly developed and was less than rich merchants. Only in second half of 19 centuries here there are rich merchant private residences.

Some of them have remained and also are taken under protection as architectural monuments. 

Chapter 2: «Monuments of architecture of the end XIX - the beginnings of XX centuries» 

In Container and Omsk architectural monuments XIX - the beginnings have remained many

XX centuries representing valuable achievements of architecture and national skill.

These are public and private buildings, stone and wooden constructions with effective, intricate details in furnish. 

With abolition of the Omsk fortress as military strengthening the territory of the former esplanade - the central part of a city is built up. To the north of a fortress in

1874 the two-storeyed building of a man's grammar school is erected. In 30th years over a building the third floor has been built on. In 1879 along an East side of a serf ditch the building of a female grammar school is under construction. In 1883 to it the boarding house premise is attached. Then the two-storeyed building of medical assistant's school (street Tarsky, 3) is erected. The same years to the south of Central administrative board the whole quarter is built up with public buildings: state and control chambers, the State Bank. 

Considerably the military school extends. To a two-storeyed building with columns under Vershinin's project three-storyed cases are attached. 

Near to Central administrative board the two-storeyed building has been constructed

Boundary management for the intercourses with a feudal top severo - east and central districts of Kazakhstan, the decision of administrative questions. 

In 1874 the trading area from mouth Оми is transferred in нагорную an esplanade part (nowadays - square by it. Dzerzhinsky). Building of the central part of a city begins. But as early as long years Omsk remains small provincial small town with shabby wooden constructions. By 70th years at presence in

Omsk more than six thousand different sort of constructions were available only 74 stone houses and 100 houses in two and three floors. 

Building by stone two-storeyed houses of an East side of Ljubinsky street begins with the middle of XIX century. The first of them on a corner near coast Omi already stood to the beginning of 60th years. In 70th years here has appeared two more houses.

They also have begun modern ensemble of street of Lenin. 

Development of shipping company and especially railway building have given powerful spur to development of Omsk. Since May, 7th, 1892 way packing on the West and the east from a city has begun. Omsk becomes the important centre of building of the railway. Here by steamships from Tyumen delivered rails, the equipment, building materials. The station, railway workshops, depot are under construction.

The bridge through Irtysh under the project of professor Н is intensively constructed. And.

The Beloljubsky. In 1896 there has passed successful approbation of the bridge and through-movement on a line Chelyabinsk-Omsk-Ob has begun. 

In the central streets of Omsk capital stone buildings are erected. In

Ilinsky форштадте on the former trading area the Commercial club is under construction.

Near to it the building of Russian bank is erected. In Palace street hotel "Europe" (nowadays - "Siberia") is under construction. To the south on the same street there are buildings of the second man's grammar school, a private grammar school «Каёш», real school Limonovyh. The three-storyed building with rich ornaments of the western facade is under construction in street Kostelnoj. To earlier constructed houses

Ljubinsky street extensions and inserts become, in them offices, banks, shops take places. On a place of the taken down shabby warehouses the shop and workshops купчихи Шаниной are under construction. 

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