Abstracts on architecture

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 03 Октября 2011 в 14:46, реферат


Chapter 1: «Monuments of architecture XVIII - first half XIX centuries»

Chapter 2: «Monuments of architecture of the end XIX - the beginnings of XX centuries»

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By the end of XIX century eclectic style in architecture still remains. At the same time there is a revival of classicism, Old Russian style, there is a style "modernist style". New style directions to Siberia reached with delay and not always in the pure state. 

Constructions of the end some of houses XIX - the beginnings of XX centuries can be carried to eclectic style. Here enthusiasm for a folk art, an excessive decor, an identification beautiful with ornated is appreciable.

Architectural registration of a three-storyed building of bath Колокольникова represents certain interest. A porch unusual to Omsk with two fine-moulded columns of a pink granite. On a pediment date of construction «1910».

Richly орнаментирован eaves. The Venetian windows членятся sculptural images of the nymphs playing harps. In total on a building of 8 sculptures. 

In the end of XIX century in northern part of an esplanade behind Tarsky collars building of a cathedral, a consistory and архиерейского at home has begun. The aspiration develops in this period to revival of Russian national in architecture. These ideas have found reflexion in architecture of a cathedral and a consistory. The cathedral was erected by the one-storeyed. The basic volume came to the end with the raised dome with the extended central spike and four lateral central boards. A figured laying entrance крылец, church porches, figured registration of window apertures, a spike and lateral главок gave to a cathedral a celebratory kind. Through road from a cathedral stood a consistory and архиерейский the house. The cathedral building has been disassembled in 30th years. A two-storeyed building of a consistory and архиерейского houses have entered into ensemble of office buildings in the beginning of street of Lenin. On outlines of the Venetian windows old houses can be isolated from modern four-storeyed buildings. 

In 1901 in a northeast part of an esplanade between man's and female grammar schools building of theatre with ярусным a hall on 829 places has begun

(The project of the engineer And. G.Hvorinova). The building is crushed by numerous ledges and extensions with difficult silhouettes and figured domes and separate volumes. Two-multiple expansion of a scene and subsidiary premises have even more complicated its architecture. A building of drama theatre - a valuable architectural monument of Omsk. 

In the beginning of XX century formation of architectural shape of shopping centre of Omsk, from the bridge to theatre comes to the end. Between the first buildings on an East side new houses are under construction, intervals are filled with inserts.

Arch prodrivings in a court yard are arranged. These разностилевые structures have remained and create certain architectural aroma of the old trading


Prior to the beginning of XX century a West side street the grove, small square from Omsk gate to проезжей occupied Lubin roads from the bridge through Омь. In 1903 part Любиной of a grove is taken away by a municipal duma for building of a trading building of the Moscow numbers. Per 1905-1906 to the south of the Moscow numbers the hotel is erected, and to the north along the rampart rests trading house Ганьшиных (nowadays - мединститут) is under construction. Architectural registration of street has ended with erection of these houses. 

In the beginning of XX century is extended new style - "modernist style".

To the buildings constructed in this style, other functionally - constructive and decorative system, the statement of the union of advantage, durability and beauty is inherent. These buildings distinguish pretentiousness of window apertures, an abundance of an ornament, details of designs create expressive external shape of a construction. A specific feature of some buildings of style "modernist style" - asymmetry in placing of balconies, in a decor of facades. Style "modernist style" takes out painting on walls of houses. It is characteristic for a building of office Kuznetsk копей.

On an angular bay window over an entrance door the panel from the ceramic tiles representing loading of coal on the barge has well remained. 

In style "modernist style" the building №5 along the street C.Valihanova is constructed. On a North side pediment - dates: «1915», «1916». A building four-storeyed in the form of a correct quadrangle. One corner is cut off and decorated by balconies on the second and third floors. Walls avariciously орнаментированы. All beauty window apertures and фигурчатые give to a building frames. 

The same years the construction of two more considerable buildings of Omsk - houses of judicial establishments and management of the Omsk railway was conducted. A place for the house of judicial establishments have taken away on the former esplanade against a cathedral. The building was under construction under the project of the academician of architecture Прусакова.

Building has begun in November, 1914 and has ended by the autumn 1916.

The powerful compact volume of a building has been removed in depth of a site. Close to a square, the closed rectangle of cases surrounds a smart court yard.

Restraint of forms and good portrayal of architectural details of a three-storyed building on the high socle, enriched by ledges of angular and central parts on all four facades, create plastically rich form, and the main portico with an arch, a pediment and a dome accent an input in a building. 

The building of management of the Omsk railway is put in pawn in June, 1914 and finished in March 1916. A building five-floor, under the form - the extended rectangle with two cross-section connections and angular ledges. The facade, члененный on a vertical on two and three floors, in the central part has the big entrance arch and over it three-storyed put to a wall, a colonnade. Against a deaf parapet over each of columns sculptures of symbolical images of services of the railway are put. 

In 1914 opposite to theatre the building of a city trading complex has been constructed. On an East side of the trading area the House of offices is erected.

The trading case is erected under the project of architect Krjachkova. Plastic of facades it is constrained: easy wreaths, garlands, man's masks in helmets Меркурия - the patron of trade - open building appointment. 

More difficult and expressive architecture of the House of offices. The facade of a four-storeyed building is ornated by architectural details. At an entrance door in the facade centre - sculptures Atlanta and Caryatids. Four semicolumns connect the second and third floors. 

On the eve of the First World War the grove has been taken definitively down Lubin.

Its sites have taken away for construction of commercial establishments - offices of the trading house "Triangle", insurance company "Salamander" and a trading society

The Tver manufactories. These three buildings with commercial school, the Moscow numbers and house Ганьшина have made an interesting architectural ensemble of neoclassical style. 

Projects of offices "Triangles" and "Salamander" belong to known Petersburg architect N.N.Verevkinu. The art decision of these buildings differs severity and cleanliness of classical forms. 

Near to "Triangle" there is a monumental building of a trading society the Tver manufactory (architect Krjachkov). Powerful three-fourfold columns ионического the awards connecting three floors, give monumental sounding to this building. 

Under project Крячкова in 1912 the three-storyed building of mehaniko-technical school (nowadays - factory "ݽѬÔÓ«Ô«þ»Ó¿í«Ó") has been erected. 

In the end of XIX century are constructed спиртоводочный and пиводрожжевой factories of the company Kozell-Poklevsky. A little later buildings of cloth and shoe factories, Serebryakov's tobacco factory, thermal power station-1 are erected. All these краснокирпичные buildings represent architectural value, especially the beer factory located along the street Volochaevsky. This not plastered three-storyed building with a specific decor, completely subordinate to a bricklaying, has many architectural advantages. 

Краснокирпичные constructions in Omsk began to appear with 70х years of last century. The municipal duma became first such building. 

Are especially intensively erected краснокирпичные buildings in the end of XIX - the beginning of XX centuries the Most extensive of them - a three-storyed building of the former diocesan female school. Constructed under the project of the engineer And. And.

Хмары, the building was erected by building artel вятских masons.

The central input is crowned with columns of the second and third floors. About diocesan school in 1915 the two-storeyed building of city school is erected. 

In the street Senna had been constructed «the Business court yard» - a two-storeyed building with richly decorated facade and a pediment. 

Houses краснокирпичной layings, except Omsk, are available in Container (the militia house), Тюкалинске (the former building of officer meeting), Называевске

(A station building), in villages. 

The end of XIX century is characteristic for Omsk also blossoming of wooden architecture. With especial attention platbands of windows and the front doors of a porch leaving on street were decorated. The carving decorated eaves and pediments.

Platbands and eaves of one house did not repeat a pattern next though often they were carried out by the same master. 

Many details of a decor created by unknown masters, rise to level of original works of art. 

28 apartment houses with original carved platbands, eaves, pediments and entrance крыльцами are registered as monuments of wooden architecture. It decided to keep separate details (platbands, eaves, entrance doors, arms entrance крылец) 26 houses. 

From remained and реставрированных monuments of wooden architecture of especial attention are deserved by church of village Ekaterinovka of Tevrizsky area. It is constructed by artel вятских masters per 1899-1900 unlike old temples the basic volume of Ekaterinovsky church is increased not only at the expense of an altar extension, but also lateral side-altars. The building is decorated carved by platbands, пропильными eaves and has beautiful end by the head of the basic volume and a belltower. 

Preservation of constructions of that time in ancient старожильческих settlements and in переселенческих villages are important for history, for youth education. 

The literature. 

1. A.D.Kolesnikov, «Monuments and memorable places of Omsk and About

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