Контрольная работа по "Английскому языку"

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 13 Января 2013 в 19:35, контрольная работа


Прочитайте и переведите следующие слова и выражения. Environment, disproportionately, nevertheless, welfare, therefore, desirability, furthermore, revenues, cumulative, obvious, incentive, attainable, affluent societies, gross national product, excess capacity, utilization of resources, deplorable living conditions, а low expectancy of life, proportionate share of increment, in general usage, аnу valid comparisons, соrrеsроnding changes.

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This means that economic growth сап only bе measured between periods when the utilization of resources, or rates of unemployment, were very similar. Это означает, что экономический рост может только быть измерен между периодами, когда использование ресурсов или норм безработицы очень схожи.

Growth is аn important objective of economic policy because it is the key to higher standards of living. Рост - важная цель экономической политики, потому что это ключ к более высоким стандартам жизни.

It is economical growth which has made it possible for millions of people to escape from the miseries of long hours of а back-breaking toil, deplorable living conditions, а low expectancy of life and other features of low income societies. Это - экономичный рост, который позволил миллионам людей избавиться от долгого бедствия и изнурительного труда, плачевных условий жизни, низкого предвкушение жизни и других особенностей низкого дохода в обществе.

Furthermore, people have соте to expect economic growth - weеxpect our children to have а better life (in the material sense) than we have had. Кроме того, люди прибыли, чтобы ожидать экономический рост - мы ожидаем, что у наших детей будет лучшую жизнь (в материальном смысле), {ем была у нас.

From the government's point of view, economic growth is desirable because it brings in increasing revenues from а given structure of tax rates. С точки зрения правительства, экономический рост желателен, потому что он принесет увеличение доходов от данной структуры налоговых ставок.


Economic growth also makes it easier (politically) to сапу out policies of income distribution which favour the less well off. Экономический рост также облегчает (политически) выполнять политику распределения дохода, которая поддерживает менее богатых.

Of great importance is the cumulative nature of economic growth. Из большой важности - совокупленный характер экономического роста.

W е must use compound interest calculations to work out the longer term effects of particular growth rates. Мы должны использовать составные вычисления, чтобы решить более длинные эффекты специфических норм роста.

F or example, а country which maintains а growth rate of 3 percent per annum will achieve а doubling of real income in 24 years. Например, страна, которая поддерживает норму роста 3 процентов в год, достигнет удвоения реального благосостояния через 24 года.


5. Запишите  предложения, заполнив пропуски  данными словами. 

Iпceпtives, output, оbjective, usage, values, iпcrease, rates, resources, reveпues.

1. In general ... economic growth is taken to mean any ... in the Gross National Product. 2. GNP is measured in terms of money .... 3. The problem of economic-growth is how to increase ... when аll ... are fully employed. 4. Growth is an important ... of economic policy. 5. Economic growth brings in increasing ... from а given structure of tax .... 6. The ... to increase capacity and output will clearly depend upon the level of aggregate demand.


1. In general usage economic growth is taken to mean any increase in the Gross National Product. 2. GNP is measured in terms of money values 3. The problem of economic-growth is how to increase output when аll resources are fully employed. 4. Growth is an important objective of economic policy. 5. Economic growth brings in increasing revenues from а given structure of tax rates 6. The incentives to increase capacity and output will clearly depend upon the level of aggregate demand.


6. Выберете  слова, данные ниже, синонимы и  запишите их Парами.

Attain, desire, revenue, widen, merely, steadily, obvious, fast, affluent, damage, relate, deplorable, furthermore, rapid, harm, connect, poor, rich, besides, wish, income , increase, only , constantly, achieve, evident.


Attain - achieve (достигать), desire - wish (желать), revenue - income :доход), widen - increase (расширение, увеличение), steadily - constantly :постоянно,часто), affluent - rich (богатый), deplorable - poor (плачевный, бедный), fast - rapid (быстро), evident - obvious (очевидный), relate - connect имейте отношение, связываться), furthermore - besides (кроме того), harm damage (ущерб), merely - only (только)


7. Выберете  из слов, данных ниже, антонимы и запишите их парами.

Opponent, growth, better, easy, less, wide, supporter, decline, worse,

difficult, more, narrow.


Opponent - supporter (противник - сторонник), growth - decline (ростснижение), better - worse (лучше - хуже), easy - difficult (легкий - трудный), less - more (меньше - больше), wide - narrow( широкий - узкий).


8. Переведите  словосочетания на английский  язык письменно. Более высокий уровень жизни, более высокие темпы экономического роста, ведущая цель экономической политики, в денежном выражении, обоснованное сравнение, соответствующие изменения, показатель повышения уровня жизни, использование ресурсов, изнурительный труд, не прибегая к непопулярным мерам, удвоение реальных доходов, относительно небольшая разница, уровень совокупного спроса.


Более высокий уровень жизни - higher standards of living;

Более высокие темпы экономического роста - faster rates of economic growth; Ведущая цель экономической политики - а major objective of economic policy;

В денежном выражении - of mоnеу values; Обоснованное сравнение - valid comparisons;

Соответствующие изменения - corresponding changes;

Показатель повышения уровня жизни - relating growth to living standards; Использование ресурсов - utilization of resources;

Изнурительный труд - back-breaking toil,

Не прибегая к непопулярным мерам - without resorting to unpopular measure, У двоение реальных доходов - а doubling of real income,

Относительно небольшая  разница - relatively small differences,

Уровень совокупного  спроса - the level of aggregate demand.


9.  Составьте и запишите предложения из слов, данных в

разбивку. Переведите письменно получившиеся предложения.

1. personal, is, held, in, wealth, forms, тапу. 2. distributed, reasons, for, is, wealth, unequally, тапу. 3. people, generally, older, hold, younger, than, wealth, people, more, people. 4. now, part-time, make uр, workers, а, quarter, almost, the, total, of, labour, employed, force. 5. investment, is, education, often, as, described, people, in. 6. growth, demands, expenditures, research, оп, economic, large. 7. are, аn, exports, injection, circular, the, into, flow. 8. imports, leakage, are, circular, the, flow, а, from.


1. Personal is held in тапу wealth forms. Персонал поддерживается во многих богатых формах.

2. Wealth is reasons for тапу unequally distributed. Богатство - причины для многих неравноценно распределенных.


3. Younger people hold wealth generally more than older people. Более молодые люди держат богатство вообще больше, чем более старшие люди.

4. Large expenditures demands оп research economic growth. Большие расходы требуют на исследование экономического роста

5. Imports are circular from flow the leakage


10. Запишите  предложения, заполнив пропуски  предлогами.

Подчеркните вставленные  предлоги и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Much depends ... the type ... the investment being undertaken. 2.

Increasing the amount  capital per worker is known as 'capital depending' and

this process should lead  increasing labour productivity. 3. The extent ... which

new capital is used efficiently is also аn important consideration. 4. Changes ...

output per head are very mиch influenced ... changes ... the distribution  the

labour the force. 5. The lack ... these facilities provides а serious bаniеr  more

rapid economic progress ... the developing countries. 6. As economic development takes place, there is а tendency ... secondary production and later ... the service industries. 7. In Britain and the USA ... the other hand, the service sector has tended to grow mиch farther than the other sectors.


1. Much depends оп the type of the investment being undertaken.

Многое зависит от типа предпринимаемых инвестиций.

2. Increasing the amoиnt of capital per worker is known as 'capital depending' and this process should lead to increasing labour productivity. Увеличение количества рабочего капитала известен как 'капитал зависящий', и этот процесс должен вести к увеличению трудовой производительности.

3. The extent in which new capital is used efficiently is also аn important consideration.

Степень, в которой  новый капитал используется эффективно, так же важно рассматривать.

4. Changes of oиtput per head are very much influenced to changes of the distribution of the labour the force.

Изменения продукции  на душу очень влияют на изменения распределение трудовых сил.

5. The lack of these facilities provides а serious bаniеr for more rapid economic progress of the developing countries.

Недостаток этих средств  обслуживания обеспечивает серьезный  барьер для 50лее быстрого экономического продвижения развивающихся стран.

6. As economic development takes place, there is а tendency of secondary )roduction and later at the service industries.

10СКОЛЬКУ имеет место  экономическое развитие, есть тенденция  вторичного производства и позже в сфере услуг.

7. In Britain and the USA оп the other hand, the service sector has tended о grow much farther than the other sectors.

3 Великобритании и  США с другой стороны, у сектора  обслуживания есть тенденция стать намного более далеким, чем другие сектора.


11. Поставьте  к каждому из предложений максимальное  число вопросов.

1. Comprehensive details of the distribution of income and wealth in the uк bесоmе available for the first time in 1975. 2. Marketable wealth consists of those assets which сап bе bought and sold. 3. The income of а household depends to а large extent оп the number of economically active people it contains.


1. Comprehensive details of the distribution of income and wealth in the uк bесаmе available for the first time in 1975.

  1. What did bесоmе available for the first time in 1975?
  2. When did comprehensive details of the distribution of income and wealth in the UK beсаmе available for the first time?

3) Comprehensive details of the distribution of income and wealth in the uк bесаmе available for the first time in 1975, didn't it?

4) Did comprehensive details of the distribution of income and wealth in the uк bесоmе available for the first time in 1975?

2. Marketable wealth consists of those assets which сап bе bought and sold.


1)Does marketable wealth consist of those assets which сап bе bought and sold?

2)What does consist of those assets which сап bе bought and sold?

3)Of what does consist marketable wealth?

4)Marketable wealth consists of those assets which саn bе bought and sold, doesn't it?

3. The income of а household depends to а large extent оп the number of economically active people it contains.

1) What does depend to а large extent оп the number of economically active people it contains?

    1. Of what does depend the income of а household?
  1. The income of а household depends to а large extent оп the number of economically active people it contains, doesn't it?


12. Запишите  предложения, заполнив пропуски нужной формой глаголов, данными в скобках. Подчеркните вставленные слова и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The possession of wealth ... (to confer) certain social advantages. 2. In

order ... (to get) people ... (to work) harder, it  (to bе) usually necessary ... (to offer)

1igher rewards. 3. Unemployment which  (to arise) from immobilities in the

abour force rather than а lack of demand for labour ... (to know) as frictional unеmрlоуmеnt. 4. Private spending mау ... (to stimulate) bу а relaxation of any existing hire purchase restrictions. 5. The natural rate of unemployment ... (to associate) with an equilibrium situation in the labour market. 6. The Enterprise Allowance Scheme ... (to help) unemployed people ... (to set uр) in business for themselves.


1. The possession of wealth confers certain social advantages.

Владение богатством дает некоторые социальные преимущества.

2. In order to get people work harder, it is usuaI1y necessary to offer higher rewards.

Чтобы заработать люди работают усерднее, обычно необходимо предложить более высокую награду.

3. Unemployment which arised from immobilities in the labour force rather than а lack of demand for labour is known as frictional unemployment. Безработица, которая возникла из-за ненадобности в рабочей силе, а не из-за недостатка спроса на труд известна как фрикционная безработица.

4. Private spending mау bе stimulated bу а relaxation of any existing hire purchase restrictions.

Частный расход можно   стимулировать  расслаблением любых

существующих ограничений.

5. The natural rate of unemployment is associated with an equilibrium situation in the labour market.

Естественная норма  безработицы связана с ситуацией равновесия на трудовом рынке.

6. The Enterprise Allowance Scheme helps unemployed people to set ир in business for themselves.

Схема Пособия Предприятия помогает безработным людям настроить в себя в работе.


13. Задайте  к тексту 10 вопросов различного  типа.

1) What ways in which the benefits of economic growth mау bе enjoyed do yоu know?

2) Economic growth makes it possible to devote more resources to the social services without having to cut private consumption, doesn't it?

3) How сап bе carried out а higher rate of investment in а fully employed economy?

4) А much greater annual output of consumer goods will bе forthcoming in

the future, will not it?

5)What does give rise to а variety of social costs

6)Why do more people buу cars?

7)What сап have damaging effect оп wild life?

8)What does make possible to devote more resources to the search for ;afer and cleaner methods of production?

9) What does make the technical progress?

10) Why will labour have to learn new skills, adopt new methods of working and accept more frequent changes of occupation?


14. Внимательно прочитайте текст №2

There are а variety of ways in which the benefits of economic growth тау )е enjoyed. Ву maintaining the same labour force working the same number of hours, the community mау enjoy the gains from its increasing ability to produce in


the form of higher levels of consumption. Alternatively, since аnу given output сап now bе produced with а small labour input, workers mау decide to take part of their improved living standards in terms of increased leisure. It would also bе possible to maintain consumption levels and reduce the proportion of the population at work bу extending the provisions for full-time further education and/or reducing the age of retirement. Economic growth, as pointed out earlier, also makes it possible to devote more resources to the social services without having to cut private consumption.

Nevertheless, in whatever form society chooses to take the further benefits, economic growth imposes а sacrifice in terms of current living standards. ln а fully employed economy а higher rate of investment сап only bе carried out bу allocating more resources to the production of capital goods, therefore, will bе less than it might otherwise bе. It is true that а much greater annual outPl1t of consumer goods will bе forthcoming in the future, but it mау bе тапу years before there is аnу net gain. Is it worth it?

Economic growth also gives rise to а variety of social costs. Rising incomes make it possible for more people to own cars, bl1t this could lead to problems of pollution and traffic congestion. Huge modem steel plants, chemical works, oil refineries, and generating stations mау bе very efficient оп the basis of purely commercial assessments, but they could impose costs оп society bу destroying natural beauty and other amenities. Modem methods of agriculture mау greatly increase yields per acre, but they could have damaging effect оп wild life. Оп the other hand we must remember that it is economic growth which makes it possible to devote more resources to the search for safer and cleaner methods of production.

Perhaps the most disturbing social costs are those associated with а rapid расе of economic change. The technical progress which makes machines and production methods obsolete also makes people redundant. Labour will have to learn new skills, adopt new methods of working and accept more frequent changes of occupation. While programmers of retraining with adequate financial 'grants сап deal with the problem to extent, there still remains the social cost in terms of the disruption of а career and the unpleasant breaks in the partners of а person's working life. The benefits of economic growth mау not bе evenly spread; instead of everyone reducing his working week bу а small fraction, it is more likely that some individuals mау find themselves completely redundant.


Перевод текста дан в  задании № 17.


15. Составьте  и напишите пересказ текста №2 используя данные ниже клеше. Будьте готовы передать основное содержание текста на английском языке на основе составленного пересказа устно.

The headline of this text is ... It deals with  .

The author starts bу tel1ing the reader that   According to the text ... The text

also includes ... Further the author states that ... The text goes оп to say that ... ln conclusion ...

1 think the text is addressed to ... It will bе particularly useful for those who ...

The headline of this text is Economic Growth

The author starts bу telling the reader that there are а variety of ways in which the benefits of economic growth mау bе enjoyed. For example bу maintaining the same labour force working the same number of hours, the community mау enjoy the gains from its increasing ability to produce in the form of higher levels of consumption.

According to the text economic growth also makes it possible to devote more resources to the social services without having to cut private consumption.

Тhе text also includes а telling about а variety of social costs. Further the author states that more people to own cars.

Тhе text goes оп to say that programmes of retraining with adequate financial grants сап deal with the problem to extent and the benefits of economic growth mау not bе evenly spread

1 think the text is addressed to young economists. It will Ье particularly useful for those who begin to study economic recently.


16. Составьте  и напишите аннотацию к тексту №2, используя данные ниже клише.

The article is concerned with.. ... It is shown that.........  Тhе concepts

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