The role and function of commercial activities in the private business enterprise "Olymp"

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 22 Ноября 2011 в 20:21, курсовая работа


Today, trade is one of the main sectors of the economy of Ukraine. She first felt in a process of denationalization and privatization, which is an integral element of a problem of goods and services due to changes in the structure of market demand, its opportunistic fluctuations and the increasing intensification of competition.


1. The role and function of commercial activities in the private business enterprise "Olymp"
2. Organization of procurement processes for PP "Olymp"
3. Organization of the sales process for PP "Olymp"
4. Ways of improving commercial activities in PP "Olymp "
List of references

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At that the main competing with private enterprise "Olymp" firms in this market are: 
- LTD "Enerhostar" 
- "Metalholdinh" 
- LTD "Centrostal" 
- DP "Nikopol" of VAT "NPTZ" 
- "Tehprostal" 

           The structure of market competition is presented in Fig. 3.4. 

        Fig. 3.4. Structure competitors PP  "Olymp" on the market  metal products                                                                                     

In Fig. 3.5 The scheme of distribution channels for enterprise "Olymp" as     wholesale intermediary.


Fig. 3.5 Channels of distribution PP "Olymp" as a mediator [13pg.76] 

         By wholesale intermediaries who sells goods company owned picker, with specialized full service. The company collaborates with stakeholders on a regular basis, it forms its own network of agents, each of which concluded a separate contract to provide mediation services. One aspect of motivating agents to cooperate is to give them credit for goods. In terms of efficiency of economic activity, this method of stimulation is not feasible in terms of increase in accounts receivable in the assets, which leads to a decrease in current assets, which remain  [21pg.176] 
         The company strictly follows the maintenance, cargo handling and movement of goods, that they were available to customers at the right time and right place. The main commodity circulation costs consist of costs of transportation, the following goods storage, maintaining inventory, receiving, shipping and packing of goods, administrative and compliance costs for processing orders. Today, management starts to disturb the overall level of expenditure for the organization of commodity circulation, reaching 13.6% in sales for manufacturers and 25.6% for firms of intermediate sellers.

  4. Ways of improving  commercial activities in PP "Olymp" 
              Based on the fact that the main problem for the last stages of the enterprise "Course" is a permanent reduction in sales, then prove the effectiveness suggested activities begin with, define the forecasted increase in sales for the company "Olymp"  for next year. As shown in the previous section of data on metal market, it is observed a general trend of increase sings sales by an average of 46% per year of the preliminary period. Applying to work with stakeholders to stimulate their methods of work, company "Course" can receive an average increase in sales of metal products by 20% compared with previous periods.[5pg.40-42] 
       This increase will be due to factors listed in Table3.3.

                      Table 3.3

                               Factors  increasing sales PP "Olymp"

                      Methods of stimulating 
Projected growth rate of sales, using a method of stimulating
Working with distributors in the system of discounts and bonuses +5%
Together with stakeholders taking part in exhibitions and fairs +4,5%
The increase in price due to methods of stimulation, depending on the amount of +3,5%
Entering new markets (working with intermediaries) +3%
The increase at the expense of the marketing department (purposeful search intermediaries work with clients, using modern technology) +3%

        Improving operational efficiency will also contribute to the following facts: 
If PP "Olymp" will be opened trade credit from suppliers of goods (90 days) and the duration of the test of its own sales companies in 60 days - by quick work with suppliers - negative factors of the last periods decrease the efficiency of enterprises, it is possible neutralized. 
To stimulate the desire of intermediaries buy products for "real money" should be a system of discounts that would stimulate this desire. As a basis you can take a rule: "2x2 = 4, but with a delay - 5, on payment - 3", ie it is expedient to use such a system of discounts and extras: 
The calculation at the time of purchase: discount - 0% margin - 0% - the company immediately enrolls gross income from the sale of goods 
The calculation of deferred payment: Discount - 0% margin - 20% - the company in the future should additional revenue - fees for credit paid to suppliers. 
Calculation of payment - discount - 15% margin - 0% - the company immediately enrolls gross income from the sale of goods and have the money in circulation even before the shipment of goods.[18 pg.556] 
According to preliminary calculations, the reorganization of the sales company will save about 14-16% of the funds previously credited to overhead and administrative costs. In our opinion, such a saving is possible by changing the payment system of employees of the newly created marketing department from hourly to piece-that is, revenue officer should put in dependence on the amount of work done by him.

Thus, analysis of the current state of business PP "Olymp" showed that the analyzed enterprise should set the following strategic goals for your business: 
• promote the positive development of the Ukrainian economy, strengthening its industrial; 
• increase efficiency and profitability of production and distribution of products; 
• consolidation of business interests that meet high professional and ethical     standards;                                                                                                   
             It can be seen that the achievement of these goals will contribute to the decision the following general tasks: 1. Improving the management. 
2. Reconstruction and modernization of production.  
Solution of this problem involves a large-scale modernization of primary production, the replacement of outdated facilities and improve the quality of products.[9pg.300] 
Activation of marketing, access to new markets for products. The priority in the formation of a single sales policy for the enterprise must be a permanent research needs of the market, purposeful work with customers, continued expansion of customer base through quality and timely execution of orders, support high-level own brand. Particular attention should be paid to the introduction of new, modern methods of marketing. The organization of economic relations with suppliers according to market requirement, the firm practices and use of new approaches to marketing activities. Careful selection of suppliers associated with the study of the characteristics of consumer goods, prices, delivery cycle, the reliability of the company.

                           List of references 

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Информация о работе The role and function of commercial activities in the private business enterprise "Olymp"