Немецкие заимствования в английском языка

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     Досить  часто  загальновідомі  англійські вислови  є  перекладами німецьких.  Деякі англійські політичні  діячі  у  своїх  промовах  навіть  цитують  їх  мовою  оригіналу:

  • Muss es sein? Es muss sein!: "Must it be? It must be!" —«Чи  повинно  так  бути?  Так  повинно  бути.»   (Beethoven)
  • Der Krieg ist eine bloße Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln: "War is politics by other means" (literally: "War is a mere continuation of politics by other means") — « Війна – продовження політики,  що  проводилася  іншими  способами.» (Clausewitz)
  • Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch!: "Workers of the world, unite!" — «Працівники  з  усього світу, об’єднуйтесь »(The Communist Manifesto)
  • Gott würfelt nicht: "God does not play dice" «Бог  не  грає  в кості»— (Einstein)
  • Wir müssen wissen, wir werden wissen: "We must know, we will know" —«Ми  повинні  знати, ми  будемо  знати»(David Hilbert)
  • Was kann ich wissen? Was soll ich tun? Was darf ich hoffen?: "What can I know? What shall I do? What may I hope?"»Що  я  можу  знати?  Що  я  повинен  робити? На  що  можу  сподіватися?» — (Kant)
  • Hier stehe ich, ich kann nicht anders. Gott helfe mir!: "Here I stand, I cannot do differently. God help me!" «Тут  стою я. Я не  можу  зробити по-іншому. Боже, допоможи  мені!»— (Martin Luther)
  • Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen: "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent"  «Коли неможна говорити,  потрібно  мовчати» — (Wittgenstein)
  • Einmal ist keinmal: "What happens once might as well never have happened." literally "once is never"; «Один  раз  не  враховується» (Milan Kundera)

     Додаток 1.

     Список  найбільш  вживаних  слів, запозичених  з  німецької  мови  до  англійської. (суспільно-політична та  загально-вживана лексика)

Англійський  еквівалент        Німецький  еквівалент      Значення  даного  слова 
     alpenglow      s Alpenglühen      a reddish glow seen on the mountain tops around sunrise or sunset
     Alzheimer's disease      e Alzheimer Krankheit      brain disease named for the German neurologist Alois Alzheimer (1864-1915), who first identified it in 1906
     angst/Angst      e Angst      "fear" - in English, a neurotic feeling of anxiety and depression
     Anschluss      r Anschluss      "annexation" - specifically, the 1938 annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany (the Anschluss)
     apple strudel      r Apfelstrudel      a type of pastry made with thin layers of dough, rolled up with a fruit filling; from the German for "swirl" or "whirlpool"
     aspirin      s Aspirin      Aspirin (acetylsalicyclic acid) was invented by the German chemist Felix Hoffmann working for Bayer AG in 1899.
     aufeis      s Aufeis      Literally, "on-ice" or "ice on top" (Arctic geology). German citation: "Venzke, J.-F. (1988): Beobachtungen zum Aufeis-Phänomen im subarktisch-ozeanischen Island.
     autobahn      e Autobahn      "freeway" - The German Autobahn has almost mythical status.
     automat      r Automat      a (New York City) restaurant that dispenses food from coin-operated compartments
pl. Bildungeromane
     r Bildungsroman 
     "formation novel" - a novel that focuses on the maturation of, and the intellectual, psychological, or spiritual development of the main character
     blitz      r Blitz      "lightning" - a sudden, overwhelming attack; a charge in football; the Nazi attack on England in WWII
     blitzkrieg      r Blitzkrieg      "lightning war" - a rapid-strike war; Hitler's attack on England in WWII
     bratwurst      e Bratwurst      grilled or fried sausage made of spiced pork or veal
     cobalt      s Kobalt      cobalt, Co;
     coffee klatsch (klatch) 
     r Kaffeeklatsch      a friendly get-together over coffee and cake
     r Konzertmeister      the leader of the first violin section of an orchestra, who often also serves as assistant conductor
     Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease 
     e Creutzfeldt-Jakob- 
     "mad cow disease" or BSE is a variant of CJD, a brain disease named for the German neurologists Hans Gerhardt Creutzfeldt (1883-1964) and Alfons Maria Jakob (1884-1931)
     dachshund      r Dachshund      dachshund, a dog (der Hund) originally trained to hunt badger (der Dachs); the "wiener dog" nickname comes from its hot-dog shape (see "wiener")
     s Gauß      to demagnetize, neutralize a magnetic field; the "gauss" is a unit of measurement of magnetic induction (symbol G or Gs, replaced by the Tesla), named for German mathematician and astronomer Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855).
     s Delikatessen      prepared cooked meats, relishes, cheeses, etc.; a shop selling such foods
     diesel      r Dieselmotor      The diesel engine is named for its German inventor, Rudolf Diesel (1858-1913).
     dirndl      s Dirndl 
s Dirndlkleid
     Dirndl is a southern German dialect word for "girl." A dirndl (DIRN-del) is a traditional woman's dress still worn in Bavaria and Austria.
     Doberman pinscher 
     F.L. Dobermann 
r Pinscher
     dog breed named for the German Friedrich Louis Dobermann (1834-1894); the Pinscher breed has several variations, including the Dobermann, although technically the Dobermann is not a true pinscher
     r Doppelgänger      "double goer" - a ghostly double, look-alike, or clone of a person
     Doppler effect 
Doppler radar
     C.J. Doppler 
     apparent change in the frequency of light or sound waves, caused by rapid movement; named for the Austrian physicist who discovered the effect
     r Dreck      "dirt, filth" - in English, trash, rubbish (from Yiddish/German)
     edelweiss*      s Edelweiß 
Song Lyrics
     a small flowering Alpine plant (Leontopodium alpinum), literally "noble white"
     ersatz*      r Ersatz      a replacement or substitute, usually implying inferiority to the original, such as "ersatz coffee"
     Fahrenheit      D.G. Fahrenheit      The Fahrenheit temperature scale is named for its German inventor, Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit (1686-1736), who invented the alcohol thermometer in 1709.
     Fahrvergnügen      s Fahrvergnügen      "driving pleasure" - word made famous by a VW ad campaign
     fest      s Fest      "celebration" - as in "film fest" or "beer fest"
     flak/flack      die Flak 
das Flakfeuer
     "anti-aircraft gun" (FLiegerAbwehrKanone) - used in English more like das Flakfeuer (flak fire) for heavy criticism ("He's taking a lot of flak.")
     frankfurter      Frankfurter Wurst      hot dog, orig. a type of German sausage (Wurst) from Frankfurt;
     Führer      r Führer      "leader, guide" - a term that still has Hitler/Nazi connections in English, more than 70 years after it first came into use
     Gasthaus      s Gasthaus      "guest house" - an inn, bed-and-breakfast
     s Gauß      Old unit of measurement of magnetic induction (symbol G or Gs, replaced by the Tesla), named for German mathematician and astronomer Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855), who invented the magnetometer.
the Gegenschein 
pron. GAY-ghen-shine
     r Gegenschein      "counter glow" - The "opposition effect," a diffuse, faint light sometimes visible almost directly opposite the sun in the night sky, thought to be sunlight reflected by dust particles in the atmosphere. Web: Photo of the Gegenschein
     Geiger counter      r Geigerzähler      Instrument for measuring radioactivity, named for German physicist Hans Geiger (1882-1945)
     Gemeinschaft      e Gemeinschaft      "community" - A societal form of association giving precendence to personal relationships, kinship, and membership in a community, as opposed to Gesellschaft.
     gemütlich      gemütlich      cordial, cozy, comfortable, warm
     gemütlichkeit      e Gemütlichkeit      an atmosphere of cozy comfort, warm cordiality
     Gesamtkunstwerk      s Gesamtkunstwerk      "comprehensive art work" - In Richard Wagner's aesthetic theory, an ideal synthesis of performing arts (music, drama, staging, etc.) forming a kind of total theater, which equals opera.
     Gesellschaft      e Gesellschaft      "society" - A societal form of association giving precendence to rational order and obligations to institutions, as opposed to Gemeinschaft.
     gestalt      e Gestalt      "shape, pattern" - in psychology any of the structures and patterns that make up a person's experiences
     gesundheit*      e Gesundheit      "health" (not "bless you")
     Gewürztraminer      r Gewürztraminer      "spice of Tramin" - A dry, fruity Alsatian white wine named for the northern Italian town of Tremeno ("Tramin" in Ger.) where this variety of wine grape is thought to have originated.
     "glittering, sparkling" - gaudiness/gaudy, glittery, ostentatious(ness)
     glockenspiel      s Glockenspiel      "bell play" - an instrument played by striking tuned flat metal plates
(pron. NYCE)
     r Gneis      (geology) metamorphic rock resembling granite; in German the "g" is pronounced
     Götterdämmerung*      e Götterdämmerung      "twilight of the gods," the total, violent collapse of a regime, society, institution; term borrowed from Wagnerian opera
     hamburger      r Hamburger      orig. a "Hamburg steak," a fancy name for ground beef
     hamster      r Hamster      burrowing animal often kept as a pet
     heiligenschein*      r Heiligenschein      "halo glow" - a halolike optical phenomenon around an observer's shadow; also see "gegenschein"
     hertz (Hz) 
     s Hertz      International unit of frequency (Hz = one cycle per second), named for German physicist Heinrich R. Hertz (1857-1894)
     hinterland(s)      s Hinterland      "back country" - remote area; land bordering on coastal land
     Kaiser*      r Kaiser      "emperor" - an Austrian or German emperor; from Latin "caesar"
     kaput      kaputt      broken, not working; defeated
     kindergarten      r Kindergarten      "children's garden" - The first kindergarten was created in Blankenberg (Thüringen) by Friedrich Fröbel (1782-1852) in 1839.
     r Kitsch 
     something gaudy or pretentious, in poor taste (art, literature, furnishings)
     e Knackwurst      a thick, highly seasoned sausage named for the cracking (knacken) sound it makes when bitten into
     kriegspiel      s Kriegsspiel      "war game" - game for teaching military tactics with small figures representing troops, tanks, etc. moved about on a large map
     Kris Kringle      s Christkindl      "Christ child", an English corruption of Christkindl, the angel-like figure who brings gifts to German children on Christmas Eve; now a synonym for Santa Claus
     lager      s Lager      "storeroom, warehouse" - lager beer gets its name from the fact that it is stored for aging
     Lebensraum*      r Lebensraum      "living space" (historical) - territory for political or economic expansion; originally related to German imperialism
     lederhosen      e Lederhose      leather pants
     leitmotiv      s Leitmotiv      dominant or central theme (music, literature, etc.)
pron. LEE-vyes
     Levi Strauss 
     Named for the German-born inventor of jeans
     lied (pron. LEET) 
pl. lieder
     s Lied      "song" - a German lyrical song, usually based on classical German poetry
     e Leberwurst      "liver sausage" - sausage containing ground liver
     loess      r Löss      a fine-grained, fertile loam
     e Machtpolitik      Similar to "realpolitik" below. The English term "power politics" is derived from the German.
     masochism      r Masochismus      Named for the Austrian novelist Leopold Ritter von Sacher-Masoch (1836-1895)
     Mergenthaler press      Ottmar Mergenthaler 
     Named for the German-born inventor of the Linotype printing process
     Neanderthal      s Neanderthal      Germany's "Neander valley," where the remains of ancient man were found; the valley was named for Joachim Neander (1650-1680)
     nickel      s Nickel      nickel, Ni;
     pinscher      r Pinscher      a dog breed; see "Doberman pinscher"
     poltergeist      poltern + Geist      a ghost that makes mysterious noises, from the German poltern, to make noise
     quartz      r Quarz 
(pron., kvartz)
     quartz, a crystalline mineral/rock, SiO2 (silicon dioxide)
     quartzite      r Quarzit 
(pron., kvartz-it)
     quartzite, a type of hard sandstone
     e Realpolitik      "realistic politics" - historical term for power politics and foreign policy based on expediancy rather than ethics or public opinion
     Reich      s Reich      "empire, realm" - usually used in reference to the "Third Reich," the Nazi realm
     Reichstag      r Reichstag      "imperial diet" - Der Reichstag was the German parliament prior to WWII. The word is often used in English, somewhat inaccurately, for the building (das Reichstagsgebäude) that now houses the Bundestag (federal parliament) in Berlin.
     Rottweiler      r Rottweiler      a dog breed named for the German town of Rottweil
     rucksack      r Rucksack      "back pack"
     sauerbraten      r Sauerbraten      "sour roast," a marinated beef roast
     sauerkraut      s Sauerkraut      "pickled cabbage"
     Schadenfreude      e Schadenfreude      enjoyment over someone's misfortune
     r Schnaps      "dram, nip" - Any strong, distilled alcoholic drink (brandy, whiskey, vodka, etc.); a strongly flavored Dutch gin (Hollands)
     schnauzer      r Schnauzer      A breed of dog that takes its name from the German word for "snout" (die Schnauze)
     schnitzel      s Schnitzel      "cutlet" - see "wienerschnitzel" below
     r Schuss      "shot," a straight run in downhill skiing
(pron. SPITS)
r Spitz
     "pointed" - A spitz is a breed of dog with erect, pointed ears; a Pomeranian
     strudel      r Strudel      a type of pastry made with thin layers of dough, rolled up with a fruit filling, as "apple strudel"; from the German for "swirl" or "whirlpool"
     uber- / über- 
(pron. OOBER)
(over, above)
     a German prefix used to indicate a "super-something" or a "mother of all" whatevers, as in "Martha Stewart, the über-diva"
     Übermensch      r Übermensch      superman, a super/superior being; from the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche
     umlaut*      r Umlaut      dieresis, a diacritical mark (two dots) over a vowel indicating a change in sound; in linguistics, a change or shift in the sound of a word element
     ursprache**      e Ursprache      original language, proto-language; a reconstructed, hypothetical source language
     urtext      r Urtext      original text (literature, music)
     verboten      verboten      forbidden
     vermouth      r Wermut      vermouth (aperitif)
     waltz      r Walzer/walzen      "waltz, to revolve" - a dance in 3/4 time that evolved from the traditional German Ländler folk dance in the 18th century; the Viennese waltz music of Johann Strauss, Jr. helped popularize the waltz in the 19th century.
     Waldsterben      s Waldsterben      "forest death," a term used for the decline of the world's forests
     Wanderjahr      s Wanderjahr      "wander year," a year of travel before settling down in one's vocation; orig. a custom for German journeymen
     wanderlust      e Wanderlust      impulse or longing to wander or travel
     Wehrmacht*      e Wehrmacht      "defense force" - name of the German armed forces during World War II; today's German armed forces are known as die Bundeswehr.
     Weimaraner      r Weimaraner      "from Weimar" - a dog breed named for the German city of Weimar; the name derives from the Kurfürst (electoral prince) of Saxony-Weimar who favored and bred the dogs in the 18th century, but the breed goes back to the 15th century or earlier.
     Weltanschauung      e Weltanschauung      "world view," a philosophy or conception of the world, universe, and human life
     Weltschmerz**      r Weltschmerz      "world pain," melancholy over the state of the world
(pron. WEE-ner)
pron. VEE-ner
     "of Vienna" - Viennese sausage (Wienerwurst), a "hot dog"
     wiener dog      r Dachshund      "dachshund"
Wiener schnitzel
     s Wiener Schnitzel 
s Wienerschnitzel
     "Viennese cutlet" - breaded veal cutlet (not a hot dog, as many English-speakers mistakenly think); also made with pork or turkey
     wunderbar      wunderbar      wonderful
     wunderkind      s Wunderkind      "miracle child" - a child prodigy; plural: Wunderkinder
     Zeitgeist      r Zeitgeist      spirit of the age/times
     zeppelin*      r Zeppelin      rigid airship named for its inventor, Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin
     zinc      s Zink      zinc, Zn;

     Додаток  2.

     Німецькі  запозичення  в  англійській  мові: класифікація  за  сферою  вживання (запозичення,  що  були  використані англійськими  політиками  у промовах)

     Economics  (Економіка)

  • Freigeld -  вільно-розповсюджувані купюри
  • Freiwirtschaft – вільна  економіка
  • K –В  економіці,  німецька  літера  К  означає  "Kapital",  в англійську  мову  також увійшло таке  позначення  слова Capital
  • Lumpenproletariat -  люмпен пролетаріат
  • Mittelstand – середній  клас
  • Takt – ритм виготовлення  товарів
  • Wirtschaftswunder – економічне  диво

     Politics (Політика)

  • Machtpolitik-  орган влади
  • Putsch – переворот
  • Realpolitik, "politics of reality" - справжня,  «велика»  політика
  • Rechtsstaat -  правова держава
  • Berufsverbot – заборона  займатися  певною  професією
  • Überfremdung – посилення  іноземного  впливу
  • Vergangenheitsbewältigung – минулі  заслуги

     Sociology (Соціологія)

  • Gemeinschaft -  спілка,  об’єднання 
  • Gesellschaft -  суспільство
  • Verstehen  -  розуміння
  • Zeitgeist – дух епохи

     Military terms  (військові терміни)

  • Blitzkrieg, -  блискавична війна
  • Flak (Flugabwehrkanone) – зенітна артилерія
  • Fliegerhorst - авіаційна  база
  • Kriegsspiel - командно-штабне навчання
  • Luftwaffe – повітряні сили
  • Panzer – не  лише  танк (як  в  німецькій  мові),  а  й  в  значенні «засіб  руху»
  • Panzerfaust, "tank fist"-  анти-танкова зброя
  • Strafe -  покараня
  • U-Boot (Unterseeboot) -  субмарина
  • Vernichtungsgedanke -   думка про знищення

     History (Історія)

      Aufklarung-  розслідування, розвідка

  • Biedermeier, -  бідермайєр (направлення в мистецтві у 19  столітті)
  • Gründerzeit – період  грюндерства (1870-1873)
  • Junker -  юнкер
  • Kaiser, -  цар,  імператор
  • Kulturgeschichte – історія культури
  • Kulturkampf -  боротьба за  культуру
  • Landflucht – урбанізація  населення
  • Nordpolitik – північна  політика
  • Ostflucht – міграція  на  схід
  • Ostpolitik -  західна політика
  • Realpolitik -  велика  політика
  • Reichstag -  рейхстаг
  • Sammlungspolitik – політика  колективізації
  • Urmonotheismus - прамонотеїзм
  • Urreligion – анти-релігійний
  • Völkerschlacht – війна  народів
  • Völkerwanderung — велике  переселення  народів
  • Weltpolitik — світова  політика
  • Bundestag – бундестаг
  • Das  Dritte  Reich -  Третій  рейх


  • Hinterland -  Нідерланди
  • Inselberg – Острівна  гора
  • Mitteleuropa – Середня  Європа

     Other aspects of everyday life (Інші  аспекти щоденного життя)

  • Ersatz, -  заміна
  • Fest, -  свято
  • Gemütlichkeit -  зручність
  • Gesundheit -  будьте  здорові (bless  you)
  • Hausfrau -  домогосподарка
  • Kaffeeklatsch – перерва на каву,  кава-брейк
  • Kitsch -  дешевий

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