Казақ тілін дидактикалық бірліктерді ірілендіру технологиясы арқылы оқыту әдістемесі

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 25 Февраля 2013 в 09:42, автореферат


Ғылыми ақпарат көлемін қысқа мерзім ішінде қарқынды меңгеруді қамтамасыз ететін ұтымды оқыту әдісін қолданудың жолдарын әдістемелік тұрғыда негіздеп, практикада пайдалану – бүгінгі уақыт сұранысынан туып отырған мәселе. Орыс аудиториясында мамандыққа бағыттап оқытудың дидактикалық және әдістемелік негіздерін басшылыққа алу қазақша сөйлеу білуге қажет керекті лексиканы талапқа сай дұрыс таңдап алуды қажет етеді. ЖОО студенттерін мамандыққа бағыттап оқыту ауызекі тілді меңгертумен қатар кәсіби тілдесімді еркін жүзеге асырады.

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- раскрыть суть и  значение понятия укрупнение  дидактических материалов;

- проанализировать лексический  фонд по специальности, сгруппировать  грамматические фонетические правила,  определить эффективные приемы  обучения студентов химического  факультета  по технологии УДЕ;

- доказать эффективность  блочных упражнений при обучении казахскому языку по технологии УДЕ, направленного на специальность химия;

- показать значимость  пересмотра программы  обучения  профессиональной лексике по  специальности химия по технологии  УДЕ.

Методологические основы исследования. За основу исследования была взята методика обучения казахскому языку, труды по инновационным технологиям, учебные пособия, учебники и научные материалы, освещенные на страницах различных периодических изданий.

  Методы исследования. В данном исследовании были использованы инновационные педагогические технологии, теоретические методы их исследования, методы ассоциации, противоположный метод, метод одновременного проведения нескольких операций сразу, методы анализа, вывода, сравнения, сопоставления, переделки правильного задания на неправильное, и наоборот.

Научная новизна исследования:

- определены научно-методические  основы обучения по технологии  УДЕ профессиональной лексике  студентов специальности химия   на занятиях по казахскому  языку;

- представлена методика обучения по технологии укрупнения дидактических единиц студентов специальности химия;

- определены собственные  особенности и принципы обучения  профессиональной лексике по  технологии УДЕ, методы и приемы  обучения;

- определены познавательные, интеллектуальные, междисциплинарные, творческие виды упражнений, выполняемых при обучении профессиональной лексики будущих специалистов-химиков, разграничены основные признаки.

- составлен блок заданий  для реализации речевых действий  на занятиях по казахскому  языку по технологии УДЕ, определены их системность, совокупность.

Теоретическая значимость исследования. Вопросы и концепции, рассматриваемые в данной работе, способствуют пополнению и повышению теоретических знаний по методике обучения казахскому языку студентов русской аудитории химического факультета. Основные закономерности и принципы технологии УДЕ также могут использоваться в теории обучения общему казахскому языку и других языков (русский, немецкий).

Положения, выносимые на защиту:

- эффективность инновационных методов обучения казахскому языку, в частности обучение по технологии укрупнения дидактических единиц;

- эффективность определения  особенностей и принципов обучения  по технологии УДЕ профессиональной  лексике;

- значимость блочных  заданий в обучении профессиональной лексике по технологии УДЕ;

- эффективность обучения  лексико-грамматических единиц по  технологии УДЕ на занятиях  по казахскому языку, направленных  на специальность студентов.

Степень внедрения. По результатам исследования было издано 6 статей в сборниках материалов международных научно-практических конференций, 4 статьи в республиканских методических журналах, 1 практическое пособие, 1 учебная программа, 1 толковый словарь химических терминов.  





Sadykova Saule Tursynovna


Metodika's resume of teaching of the Kazakh language by means of technology IDU (integration of didactic units)

(for students of chemical faculties of high school)


13.00.02 – the Theory and a training and education technique

(the Kazakh language in system initial, average and higher education)


A research Urgency. In our independent state rich with chemical elements, there is a set of industrial centres on their studying which wait for the future experts (in chemistry sphere). The future experts of these enterprises should not only know colloquial Kazakh language, and also competently write, but also own to the full terminology of the given sphere. One of the high school main tasks are the arms of students professional lexicon.

For today in republic the large quantity of studing-methodical complexes is published, computer programs, innovative technologies of training take root into educational process and yield positive result. For example, modular, step training, the innovative training developing training, individual training, technology of training in the game form, cooperation pedagogics, technology of integration of didactic units etc. Among the named innovative technologies at training to the Kazakh language in Russian audience on a speciality the chemistry occupies a special place Technology of integration of didactic units (IDU).

Application in practice of an effective method of the training providing fast studying for short term big of volume of the scientific information, is requirement of a society for today. The training directed on specialisation of students of Russian audience, should be based on didactic and methodical bases, and also demands correct selection of necessary lexicon. Hence training of students of high school of informal conversation should be interconnected with their professional lexicon.

The traditional system of training was limited to that the teacher gave to the trainee certain volume of a material, fixed it, the pupil carried out exercises on the ready sample. In such situation the pupil carried out is imperative-performing function. That is at such traditional training the emphasis on learning of rules of grammar became, and communicative function remained without attention. The proceedings published for last period, put in the forefront dialogue of students with the teacher at training to language. The emphasis on language communications of students Here becomes, the theory speaks a basis of lexical themes. However thus the grammatical phenomena, in our opinion, are resulted in the general abstract kind that is represented difficult at their studying. Actually the grammar is a support of language dialogue, a link of materials of language. It is known that only at correct application of grammatical forms it is possible to reach result in dialogue.

At the decision of the given problem the special role is played by training on technology of integration of didactic units (IDU). The training technique on technology of integration of didactic units to the Kazakh language in the Russian audience directed on replenishment of a lexicon on a speciality chemistry, till this time was not object of research. Training to professional lexicon on a speciality chemistry is reached by simultaneous mastering by a complex of homogeneous knowledge for the short period. In linguistics exists the phenomena connected among themselves. All of them are interconnected. A basis of complete general group of knowledge – approach to each other identical or similar concepts in the course of training to language. Thanks to it trainees perceive a teaching material in the integrated value. It demands the systematised and uniform re-structuring of a teaching material. Therefore the economy of time is reached, at students interest to language studying raises, they receive qualitatively new information, and it is strongly fixed in their memory. It helps to take quickly from memory the necessary information that is connected with psychology. According to researches of modern scientists, the information in fast memory remains for 10-15 minutes, then passes in "long" memory. The volume of time allocated for fast memory, is the basic source of maintenance of efficiency of processing of the information.

Training to the Kazakh language on technology IDU enriches a lexicon of the future chemists professional lexicon, helps achievement professional говорения with industrial shops.

Object of research. Process of training to chemical lexicon on technology of integration of didactic units.

A research objective. To present a technique of effective training to professional lexicon on a speciality chemistry concerning language on technology IDU.

Research problems:

- to define scientifically-methodical bases of training to professional lexicon on technology IDU on employment on the Kazakh language;

- to open an essence and value of concept integration of didactic materials;

- to analyse lexical fund on a speciality, to group grammatical phonetic rules, to define effective receptions of training of students of chemical faculty on technology IDU;

- to prove efficiency of block exercises at training to the Kazakh language on technology IDU, directed on a speciality chemistry;

- to show the importance of revision of the program of training to professional lexicon on a speciality chemistry on technology IDU.

Methodological bases of research. For a research basis was the training technique to the Kazakh language, works on innovative technologies, manuals, textbooks and the scientific materials shined on pages of various periodicals is taken.

Research methods. In the given research innovative pedagogical technologies, theoretical methods of their research, the association methods, an opposite method, a method of simultaneous carrying out of several operations at once, methods of the analysis, a conclusion, comparison, comparison, alteration of the correct task on wrong, and on the contrary have been used.

Scientific novelty of research:

- scientifically-methodical bases of training on technology IDU to professional lexicon of students of a speciality chemistry on employment on the Kazakh language are defined;

- the training technique on technology of integration of didactic units of students of a speciality chemistry is presented;

- own features and principles of training to professional lexicon on technologies IDU, methods and training receptions are defined;

- informative, intellectual, interdisciplinary, creative kinds of the exercises which are carried out at training of professional lexicon of the future experts-chemists are defined, the basic signs are differentiated;

- the block of tasks for realisation of speech actions on employment on the Kazakh language on technology IDU is made, are defined them sistem, set.

The theoretical importance of research. Questions and the concepts considered in given work, promote replenishment and increase of theoretical knowledge by a training technique to the Kazakh language of students of Russian audience of chemical faculty. The basic laws and principles of technology IDU also can be used in the training theory to the general Kazakh language and other languages (Russian, German).

The positions which are taken out on protection:

- efficiency of innovative methods of training to the Kazakh language, in particular training on technology of integration of didactic units;

- efficiency of definition of features and training principles on technology IDU to professional lexicon;

- the importance of block tasks in training to professional lexicon on technology IDU;

- a learning efficiency of lexical and grammatical units on technology IDU on employment on the Kazakh language, the students directed on a speciality.

Introduction degree. By results of research 6 articles in collections of materials of the international scientifically-practical conferences, 4 articles in republican methodical magazines, 1 practical grant, 1 curriculum, 1 explanatory dictionary of chemical terms have been published.

Информация о работе Казақ тілін дидактикалық бірліктерді ірілендіру технологиясы арқылы оқыту әдістемесі