Анализ работы и подготовка требований к кандидатам на примере должности аналитика в Bain&Company

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 02 Декабря 2010 в 22:46, курсовая работа


Целью исследования является изучение текущей трудовой деятельности аналитика Bain&Company, ее анализ, а также выработка требований к кандидатам на данную вакансию.


Введение 3
Глава 1. Методологические основы анализа работ и требований к кандидатам 5
1. Понятие и сущность анализа работ 5
2. Методы сбора информации и анализа работы 7
3. Специфика анализа работы аналитика Bain&Company 11
Глава 2. Описание работы 15
1. Анализ должностной инструкции 15
2. Описание работы 20
3. Анализ процедуры оценки 24
Глава 3. Разработка требований к кандидатам 26
3.1. Формальные требования к кандидатам 26
3.2. Использование кейсов в процесс отбора 27
Заключение 31
Литература 33
Приложение 34

Работа состоит из  1 файл

Основы Управления персоналом.docx

— 68.71 Кб (Скачать документ)

     Совокупность  данных мер позволит Bain&Company привлекать на работу наиболее квалифицированных сотрудников и за счет этого обеспечит конкурентное преимущество на рынке. 


     Список  литературы 

  1. Армстронг. Управление человеческими ресурсами  в практике MBA. – М. -2007
  2. Соловьев Д.П. Управление персоналом (анализ работы и подготовка требований к кандидатам на должность): Учебное пособие. – Самара: Изд-во Самар. гос. экон. акад., 2003.
  3. Gary Dessler. Human resource management.
  4. Mark Asher. Vault guide to case interview.
  5. Ace your case.
  6. Итан Рассиел. Метод McKinsey. М. Альбина Бизнес Букс 2004
  7. Гуревич А.Н. Ассесмент-Центр. – М – 2005
  8. В.А. Музыченко. Управление персоналом.  - М. - 2003.
  9. Мескон М.Х., Альберт М., Хедоури Ф. Основы менеджмента..: Дело -2002.
  10. http://dps.smrtlc.ru
  11. Кибанов А.Я. Основы управления персоналом Учебник. – М.: ИНФРА-М, 2005.


Приложение 1

     Choosing optimal marketing campaign

     You work for the Marketing Department and are in charge of Domestos brand. Domestos is a series of cleaning and disinfecting products, which remove from surfaces invisible germs, bacteria and fungi. It is the leader of the household cleaning products market with half the share of toilet cleaning products. It is also the leader of the toilet blocks market and is going to launch an innovative toilet block next year. An advertising campaign is planned to support the launch of the new product and you have to decide on its intensity and force. With your team you have developed for your own use a classification of the campaign force based on the the amount of GRPs (Gross Rating Point). You have the 3 following options:

  1. The Minimum Campaign– the main focus is put on the Internet and national press. Spots are occasionally shown on TV. Each medium reaches a value of up to 350 GRPs per month.
  2. The Moderate Campaign– the budget is split equally between the Internet, national press and television. It includes some additional elements such as sampling (distribution of free samples of products) or adverts on billboards or citylights (the so called “OOH” – out of home campaign). Each of the used media reaches a value of up to 500 GRPs per month.
  3. The Intensive Campaign – the main focus is put on the television campaign with important presence on the Internet and national press. An intensive campaign is also conducted on billboards and in cinema chains. The sampling method is used as well. Each of the used media reaches a value of more than 500 GRPs per month.

     GRP is a measure that represents the total delivery or weight of a media

     The GRP (Gross Rating Point) number determines the force of the promotional campaign during a specified time period. GRPs are calculated by multiplying the reach of the campaign by the average frequency.

     Reachand consists of the campaign is total viewership of broadcast advertisements in the number of individuals or households within a specific target audience that sees the advertisement. Note that for the purpose of calculating GRPs 1% of target group is one rating point.

     Frequency is the number of times the same advertisement is shown to the same individual during a particular time frame (in our case when calculating GRPs we always refer to a month of 30 days).

     Example: a campaign reaches 10% of a target group 4 times a day during a month.

     GRP = 10 x 4 x 30 = 1,200

     Basing on the given information decide which of the following statements are true or false or which doesn’t give enough information to judge if the statement is true or false.

     1) If, during 1 month, 9% of the target group looks twice a day at one billboard advertising 
Domestos new toilet block, the force of this OOH campaign can associated to the intensive 

     Assuming that one month consists of 30 days.

  1. If the planned campaign has 600 GRPs, 10% of the target group will be watching the commercial twice a day throughout a month (30 days).
  2. As the GRP number grows, the number of advertisement viewers always grows.


     3 correct answers – 5 points

     2 correct answers - 3 points

     1, 0 correct answers – 0 points

Информация о работе Анализ работы и подготовка требований к кандидатам на примере должности аналитика в Bain&Company