Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 05 Марта 2013 в 16:54, автореферат
Зерттеудің көкейкестілігі. Мемлекетіміз бүгінгі таңда әлемдік кеңістікте өзінің лайықты орын алуын мақсат етіп отыр. Осы биік мақсатқа жету жолында, егемендікке қол жеткізген тәуелсіз мемлекеттің дамуындағы экономикалық өзгерістер барысында қоғамдық, саяси-әлеуметтік жағдайларға байланысты басқарудың тиімділігін арттыру, өзге дамушы елдерге үлгі боларлықтай дәрежедегі еліміз үшін тарихымыздың пайдалы дүниелерін жаңғырту қажеттігі туып отыр. Қазақстан Республикасының Президенті Н.Ә.Назарбаевтың: «Ұлттық идеяларды іздестіру барған сайын көкейкесті сипатқа ие болып отыр»,− деген сөзі халқымыздың ғасырлар бойы қалыптасқан рухани қазынасын, тарихи тұлғалардың, ғұлама ойшылдардың қайталанбас мұраларын қайта жаңғырту мен жас ұрпаққа ұлттық тәрбие беруге бағыттайды.
Объект исследования: педагогическое наследие Юсуфа Баласагуни.
Цель исследования: научное обоснование и систематизация идей гуманного управления в педагогическом наследии Юсуфа Баласагуни; с опорой на принципы историзма и аксиологии раскрытие основ, определение значения в воспитании личности.
Задачи исследования:
1. Генезис развития идей гуманного управления в древних мировых цивилизациях на основе ретроспективного и историко-генетического анализа.
2. Раскрыть историко-педагогическое значение Центрально-Азиатского Ренессанса, определить основные его принципы и показать влияние этого культурного явления на развитие идей гуманного управления в наследии тюркских мыслителей.
3. Выявить и дать
характеристику основ
4. На основе сравнительно-
Практическая значимость исследования. Материалы исследования составили основу разработанных автором:
Результаты исследования и теоретические выводы можно использовать при разработке программ и лекционных курсов по дисциплинам: «История педагогики», «Сравнительная педагогика народов мира», Этнопедагогика» и «Этнопсихология», «Педагогический менеджмент» на педагогических специальностях, а также при углубленном изучении основ управления.
Научная новизна и теоретическая значимость исследования:
1. На основе ретроспективного и историко-генетического анализа определен генезис развития идей гуманного управления в древних мировых цивилизациях.
2. Раскрыто историко-педагогическое значение Центрально-Азиатского Ренессанса, определены основные его принципы и показано влияние этого культурного явления на развитие идей гуманного управления в наследии тюркских мыслителей.
3. Выявлены и охарактеризованы
основы управления в
4. На основе сравнительно-
Положения, выносимые на защиту:
- Древний Восток –
мировая цивилизация,
- Центрально-Азиатский Ренессанс – историко-культурное явление, развивавшее на качественно новом уровне основы гуманного управления и воспитания;
- «Кутадгу билиг» Юсуфа Баласагуни - первый педагогический труд на тюркском языке об основах гуманного управления; особенности системы управления.
- Построение гуманного
общества – основная цель
Результаты исследования.
- Генезис развития идей гуманного управления, начиная с истоков развития человечества, позволил прийти к выводу о том, что они имеют длительную историю и получили наибольшее развитие в древних государствах Востока. В иерархии структуры управления были свои закономерности, особенным влиянием пользовалась верховная власть..
- Раскрыты особенности
управления в период кочевой
цивилизации. Такие мыслители
как Анахарсис, Афрасияб, Аттила,
которые стояли во главе
- На основе историко-генетического, ретроспективного подходов сделан анализ развития идей гуманного управления в период Центрально-Азиатского Ренессанса, который способствовал вывлению новых прогрессивных сторон иследуемой проблемы. Труды Аль-Фараби, Ибн Сины, Фирдоуси, Махмуда Кашгари и многих других мыслителей, написанные в этот исторический период, позволяют говорить о возникновении основ управленческой теории. В трудах мыслителей систематизированы и научно обоснованы принципы, стили, виды управления. В структуре управления личность представлена в качестве его субъекта, которая несет в себе активное управленческое начало.
- Определены основополагающие
идеи мыслителя Юсуфа
By Moldassan Kuanysh Shormankyzy
Humane Management Basics in Jussup Balassagun’s educational heritage
13.00.01- General Education, Education and Knowledge History, Ethnoeducation
Study Urgency: Our state’s goal is to take its decent place in today’s global space. To achieve this lofty goal our state is to restore its historical values to increase management efficiency for addressing economic, public and sociopolitical changes taking place in the development of our state that has become independent, and become a pattern for other developing countries. Moreover, countries differ from each other due to a management concept effective therein.
So, one of the issues today’s education theory pays attention to is to examine and carry these works to the generations that succeed us, instill valuables left by our ancestries in the younger generation and see the values common for all mankind, especially, the scientific view of the world in a new light.
An urgent issue is to foster humanism, subject to the education basics of our national culture propagated in recent years and making accent on the civilization nature and trends of such basics. Since humanism fostering in learning the viable philosophic tradition of our history and public conscience development laws is of great importance. A humanism idea could be always found in the quips of famous thinkers and brilliant scholars, who were born before their time. Subject to its development level and economic position, each state takes care of its citizens. Here is a humanism foundation. And it was our ancestor, Jussup Balassagun, who advocated using a humanism notion in state governing. Also, it was Jussup Balassagun, who wrote Kutty bilik Dastan in Turkic, which highlights state government matters. The educational heritage of Jussup Balassagun, one of the brilliant scholars, who greatly affected the development of our national socio-philosophic idea and was born in Kazakh lands, is distinguished by the Kazakh culture and history, interconnection and real life narration. The value of Jussup Balassagun’s philosophic ideas of humane management will increase, as we address various changes in the sociopolitical development of our state and our national conscience rises. An urgent issue today’s society relying on a market-oriented economy and freely entering an epoch of scientific and technical discoveries faces is to educate, humanize the society and foster a comprehensively educated and creative individual. In this connection, Jussup Balassagun’s educational heritage provides humane management basics and such foundations of developed country governed by a good-natured ruler, as just law, just ruler and dignified life. The basic idea that underlines the Dastan is to establish a fortunate and humane society by learning state government details and showing the image of a ruler, who is interested in just state government and takes care of people. The brilliant thinker’s words: “A ruler’s good personal qualifications and humanity, and respect for people will lead the society only to humanism and prosperity. Such good ruler will never be forgotten by people”, social idea impeccably described in Kutty bilik and human makeup and life deeply touched in a humane management matter will enlarge our scientific perception of Jussup Balassagun’s philosophy applicable to today’s humane management and become our spiritual source. Only a sincere ruler is able to fairly solve any problems encountered in a contradictory life, so each verse in Kutty bilik gives a lot of philosophic ideas of a ruler eligible for state government.
Study Target: Jussup Balassagun’s educational heritage
Study Subject: Humane management in Jussup Balassagun’s educational heritage
Study Objective: Scientific and educational substantiation and classification of humane management ideas in Jussup Balassagun’s educational heritage, and highlighting their educational importance.
The Study is conducted to:
Scientific and Theoretical Significance of the Study
Practical Importance of the Study
Study results may be used for special courses in comparative education, education history, educator training, ethnoeducation and ethnopsychology, and advanced management training.
Themes proposed for defense:
- Ancient Orient Civilizations that established the humane management basics.
- Central Asian Renaissance – historical events that developed humane management ideas, and the period, during which the education developed on a new level.
- Kutty bilik by Jussup Balassagun is the first work that narrated the humane management ideas in Turkic.
- The humane management basics in Jussup Balassagun’s educational heritage are distinguished by viability and deemed a value in today’s national education.
Study Results:
- The genesis of humane management ideas in the history of mankind development has been shown, and Turkic scholars’ opinions of humane management have been reviewed.
- Basic Orient Renaissance Principles have been identified and their impact on humane management idea development has been shown, with educational importance revealed.
- The basic humane management trends in Jussup Balassagun’s educational heritage have been identified, an interrelation between family/the Constitution principles and the society has been shown, with a organizational system established, and their importance in establishing the Institution of Bis (Arbitrators) during the Kazakh Khanate has been identified.
- It was established that the humane management basics in Jussup Balassagun’s educational heritage are applicable to today’s realities and his legacy is valuable in today’s national education.
As the study subject is complicated, one cannot describe all its trends within one scientific paper. In the future the following issues should be highlighted: significance and content of the humane management in Jussup Balassagun’s educational heritage in individual education; optimal ways of including the humane management basics in Jussup Balassagun’s educational heritage into the curriculums of general education schools and universities; role of Turkic scholars’ legacies in today’s national education and etc.