Педагогика ғылымдарының кандидаты ғылыми дәрежесін алу үшін дайындалған диссертацияның

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 28 Декабря 2010 в 05:23, автореферат


Ақпараттық технологиялар дамуының белсенділігінің артуы мен олардың қоғам салаларына тереңінен енуі дайын өнімдерді, интеллектуалды міндеттерді жеңілдетудің сапалы дамуын талап етеді. Жаңа технологиялардың оқыту процесіне енгізілуін студенттің шығармашылық, интеллектуалды дамуын арттыру деп түсінеміз. Толық жетілген жасанды интеллект құру адамзат алдына қоғамның барлық бағыттарында жаңа мүмкіндіктер береді. Жасанды интеллект – мақсаты қолданушыға компьютер көмегімен өз мәселелерін шешуге мүмкіндік беретін аппараттық–бағдарламалық құрал жасау болып табылатын информатиканың бір саласы болғандықтан, жасанды интеллектуалды жүйелер құрудан және оларды игеруде сапалы білім беру бүгінгі талап. Даярлау – қандай да бір сала бойынша қажет білім беру, оқыту болса, ал жетілдіру – білімді, шеберлікті арттыру, артық жасау. Сонда бұл екі процесс барлық жаңашылдықтарды оқу процесінде ескеру керек екендігін меңзейді.

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ify">   In this connection, the highest priority problem is improved training of specialists which are competitive on a labour market, thus, there is more and more essential requirement for the experts capable to improve possibility of intellectual systems.

   The analysis of theoretical workings out in the field of the problem, studying  of present conditions of practice of training students to work with intellectual systems have allowed to reveal the contradiction between the theory and practice in educational process. This contradiction has shown the necessity of the decision of a problem of improving of education of students to work with intellectual systems that has caused a choice of the research theme in the following formulation: «Improved training of students of high school for the work with intellectual systems». 

   The object of the research: pedagogical process of high school.

   The purpose of the research:: theory and practice development to improve the training of the students in the university to work with intellectual systems.

   Methodological and theoretical base of the research: the knowledge theory, theory of the integrity of the process of teaching, philosophical, psychological and pedagogical doctrines on the problem, concepts of pedagogical methods, pedagogical experiment, mathematical logic, mathematical statistics and probability theory.

   The basic sources of the research are works of philosophers, teachers on a research problem, works of scientists in the field of information technology, official materials of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the standard documents regulating educational process in high school: Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan «About education», Strategy «Kazakhstan - 2030», the Government program of a development of education on 2005 – 2010, Strategy of industrial-innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2003-2015, the Concept of Support and Development of Competitiveness of Youth for 2008-2015, the Program of decrease of information inequality in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2007-2009, the State  education standart of specialities and working curricula, textbooks, research works on the problem, materials of periodicals.

   Methods of the research: a set of theoretical and statistical research methods, such as analysis of the philosophical, psychological and educational, mathematical literature, scientific publications in the field of information technology, analysis and synthesis of regulatory and teaching documents, questionnaires, interview, modelling, testing, educational experiment, methods of mathematical statistics and the probability theory.

   The results of the research:

  • the level of preparation of students in high schools for the work with intellectual systems is determined,
  • a model for improved training of students for the work with intellectual systems is constructed, its components, criteria and index are revealed;
  • educational system of improving the training of students for the work with intellectual systems is unsubstantiated and carried out;
  • methodical base of improved training of students to work with intellectual systems is developed; the following programmes are developed and introduced in educational process:
  • special courses «Expert systems», «Logic programming»;
  • the manual «Intellectual games»;
  • electronic textbooks «Artificial intellect»; “Computer science bases”, “Bases of an artificial intellect and intellectual systems”;
  • Internet site  www.ai.nxt.kz / lectures;
  • the efficiency of the pedagogical system of improved training of students to work with intellectual systems is checked experimentally up.

   The offered pedagogical system  of  inproved training of  students  to work with  intellectual  systems  can  be  used  in  education  of  students  of  high school.

         Approbation and implementing of the results of the research:  main dissertation points  were  discussed  at  the faculty meeting, at the scientific seminar on problems of the general pedagogics and vocational training of the Karaganda  State  University of  E.A.Buketov,  were reported at  the  international, republican scientifical - practical  conferences  ( Pavlodar, 2006, 2007; Taraz, 2007;  Astana, 2007;  Тaldikorgan, 2007;  Аktobе, 2007; Almaty, 2008; Karaganda, 2008; Oskemen, 2008;  Peremishl, 2008; Prague, 2008, 2009;  Sofia, 2008;  Ekaterinburg,  2009), were published in scientific editions the Bulletin of the Karaganda  State University  2006, 2008; the Bulletin  of  Kazakh  Scientific Pedagogical  University, 2009, Property  of the nation,  2008,  Actual   problems  of the present, 2008,  In the world  of  education,  2007.  The  results of the research  have  been  implemented   into      theoretical  educational  process  of  the  Karaganda State University of E.A.Buketov, the Euroasian National University of L.Gumilev,  joint-stock company «Balkhash  humanitarian-technical institute». 

   Recommendations about implementing of the results of the research: improving the process  of preparing of students  for the work  with intellectual systems allows to prepare specialists who meet the requirements of the professional  activities  and  development  in the  field of   artificial  intellect.    The  developed  pedagogical   system of improved training of students to work with  intellectual  systems  can  be  used  in pedagogical  process  of    high   school,   and  also  in   system  of   improvement  of professional skill of specialists.

   The field of using of the research: the results of the research can be used for improving of education of students of high schools in aspect of intellectual systems.

   The perspective of the research consists in the further study of a problem of improving of education of students in high school to work with intellectual systems both on theoretical and practical orientation.



Басуға 01.12.2009 ж. қол қойылды. Пішімі 60´84 1/16. Офсеттік қағазы.  
Көлемі 1,0 ес.-б.т. Таралымы 120 дана. Тапсырыс № 308.

Е.А.Бөкетов  атындағы ҚарМУ баспасының баспаханасында басылып шықты 
100012, Қарағанды қ., Гоголь к-сі, 38

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