Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 24 Ноября 2011 в 09:28, автореферат
Бәрімізге мәлім шағын кәсіпкерлік секторы (ШКС) экономиканы әртараптандыруға, тұрақты қарқындармен дамытуға мүмкіндік береді. Осы тенденция біздің елімізде қалыптаса қойған жоқ. Сондай-ақ жоғарыдағы үлестік көрсеткіштер дамыған мемлекеттердің экономикасымен салыстырғанда мардымсыз болып табылады. Мұндай жағдайдың қалыптасуы мемлекеттік реттеу мен қолдауға, шағын кәсіпкерліктің ішкі және сыртқы орталарына қатысты әр алуан аспектілі қиындықтары мен проблемаларына байланысты.
Based on the goal, the dissertation aims are:
Subject of the research are complex organizational and economic laws improving management of entrepreneurship.
Object of the research are organizational and economic processes of formation and development of small businesses of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including a Limited Liability Partnership "Sunreis".
Theoretical and methodological basis of research were the works of domestic and foreign scholars on the theory and practice of management mechanism of small business, legislative and policy instruments of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the development of research and design institutions and the data of the Agency for Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the annual reports of a Limited Liability Partnership "Sunreis". This dissertation used various methods of research: the economic-statistic, the abstract logic, monographic, economic-mathematical modeling.
Scientific novelty of the dissertation is to improve organizational and economic mechanism of management of entrepreneurship and the construction of economic-mathematical models of the problems of competitiveness of small enterprises.
Key positions of the dissertation for the defense.
The scientific results obtained in the research and the positions for the defense are following:
- Consolidated and developed methodical and theoretical aspects of management entrepreneurship in market conditions;
- Identified the main trends in management development entrepreneurship, estimated directions and opportunities for its development, taking into account international experience;
- Assessed the stability of running a small business in the Republic of Kazakhstan and made an analysis of the economic status of the Limited Liability Company "Sunreis";
- Revealed the direction of innovation development of small enterprises in accordance with generally accepted in the global industry forms its profile of modernization in order to enhance their competitiveness in the global market by using the criteria of novelty and innovative objects used by the regions and business opportunities;
- Built the economic-mathematical model for solving problems of increasing the competitiveness of small enterprises.
Scientific and practical significance of the research is to use the main proposals designed to align management mechanism small business market principles, to provide an opportunity to increase the efficiency of resource utilization of small businesses and the smooth financing of expenditures.
Building an economic-mathematical model and the proposed methodology methods have been successfully used in Limited Liability Partnership "Sunreis", in the preparation of proposals for managing the development and formation of small business. The results of these investigations can be used by governments in developing strategies for economic development and improvement of financial and economic mechanism of small business management.
material and methodological techniques use in the learning process in
higher and secondary specialized schools in reading courses "Basics
of Entrepreneurship", "Management" and "Enterprise
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