Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 25 Ноября 2011 в 10:00, курсовая работа
Зерттеудің өзектілігі. Қоғамдағы жаңарулар, ел дамуындағы тың стратегиялық бағдарлар мен қағидаттар, қоғамның ақпараттануы және ғылым мен техниканың қарыштай дамуы білім беру жүйесінде де түбегейлі өзгерістер жасауға себеп болды. Өйткені жаңа уақыт талабы рухы биік, болашаққа зор сеніммен қарайтын, оның дамуына өзіндік үлес қосатын, халықаралық стандартқа сай, бәсекеге қабілетті, танымдық деңгейі жоғары, білімді де білікті маманды қажет етеді.
Педагогикалық қауымдастық пен педагогика ғылымының алдына білім беруді жаңаша құру міндеті қойылды. Қоғамдық мүдде мен жеке бас мүддесін ұштастыра алатын, әлеуметтік сұранысқа жауап беретін маман дайындауға басымдылық беріле бастады. Бұл орайда педагогикамен өзектес басқа да ғылым салаларындағы іргелі жетістіктер мен нәтижелер негізінде білім беру үрдісін жаңа қырынан қарастырудың өзектілігі арта түсті. Әлемнің өркениетті елдерінің білім беру жүйесіндегі жетекші қағидаттар негізінде отандық білім беру саласын дамытудың жаңа бағыттары айқындалды. Бұл білім беруді болашақ маманның өмірлік дағдыларымен өзара бірлікте қарастыруды қажет етті. Сондықтан соңғы жылдары жоғары мектептердегі оқу үдерісі кредиттік оқыту жүйесі негізінде ұйымдастырыла бастады. Бұл жүйе бойынша студент білімді өздігінен меңгеруге, өз әрекетінің субъектісі ретінде дамуға мүмкіндік алады. Кредиттік оқу жүйесі дәстүрлі білім берудің мақсат-міндеттерін өзгертуді, оның мазмұндық-құрылымдық және ұйымдастырылу сипатын жаңартуды талап етті. Бұл жоғары мектепте қазақ тілі салаларын оқыту ісіндегі тың ізденістерге жол ашты.
- предлагаемая система комплексных заданий способствует развитию кругозора, понимания, коммуникативных умений и навыков, повышению познавательного уровня студентов, глубокому изучению синтаксиса, формированию интереса к учебно-познавательной деятельности. Таким образом, позваляет сформировать умение эффективно использовать все виды коммуникации, совершенствовать речевую культуру, необходимую для общения;
- методическая система, направленная
на овладение студентами лингвокультурными,
- при системной организации текущих работ, СРСП и СРС в коммуникативно-познавательном аспекте можно достичь совершенствования профессиональных навыков, развития научно-исследовательских, организаторских способностей студентов, овладения культурой общения и жизненными навыками, соответствующими интеграционным процессам;
- мониторинг качества усвоенных знаний как результат обучения позволит определить ожидаемую коммуникативную, познавательную, лингвокультурную и социально-индивидуальную компетентность студентов.
Степень внедрения. По теме диссертации были опубликованы 3 типовые программы, 1 программа по спецкурсу, 6 учебников, 6 электронных учебников, 3 учебных пособия, 13 учебно-методических пособий, 30 научных статьи.
Rachmetova Raigul Saduakasovna
The scientific-methodical basis of teaching syntax of Kazakh language in
communicative-cognitive aspect
(for philological specialities of the university)
13.00.02 – The theory and method of teaching and upbringing
(Kazakh language in the system of primary, secondary and higher
The actuality of the research. The modernization of society, new strategic tendencies in the development of the country, the informatization of society, the intensive development of science and technology have become the reason of radical changes in the system of education.The new directions of developing the native education were defined on the basis of leading principles of education system of civilized countries of the world. Great attention has become to be paid to the study of the language in its connection with surrounding world, human factors, the mentality of people. This has aroused the necessity of creating an effective system allowing to modernize the education with professional skills of future specialists.
The teaching of syntax to the students in communicative-cognitive aspect allows to form their knowledge about centuries-old national culture of Kazakh, spiritual heritage, names and conceptions with national colouring on the basis of ethno cultural, linguocultural values of linguistic sources conserving the internal from, the context of the language, spiritual wealth, nature and life of our people.
All abovementioned defines the actuality of scientific –methodical basis of teaching the syntax of Kazakh language in communicative-cognitive aspect as an effective ways and priority directions in preparation of qualified, educated, pertinent to the necessities of the society, comprehensively developed, competent specialist.
The aim of the research. To generalize the scientific-theoretical and methodical basis of teaching syntax of Kazakh language in communicative-cognitive aspect of specialist-philologists of universities, represent the new methodical system by means of carrying out an experiment to prove its effectiveness.
The objectives of the research.
- to define the methodology, scientific-theoretical basis of teaching syntax of Kazakh language in communicative-cognitive aspect in universities, prove its essence and content;
- analyzing the linguistic material in teaching syntax in communicative-cognitive aspect, define the principles and methods of teaching;
- to define the content of syntax discipline, its role and place in the system of teaching by credit technology, analyze the effective technologies of teaching syntax in communicative-cognitive aspect;
- to treat the complex system directed to teaching syntax and prove its effectiveness;
- to define the competence of students as the final result of getting knowledge and skills on syntax;
- to represent scientific-methodical system of teaching syntax in communicative-cognitive aspect, prove it relying on the results of experiment, its effectiveness.
The analysis of conclusions of scholars on syntax; regularity and principles of teaching syntax form the methodological basis of the research. The effective usage of achievements and results of linguistic, psychological, pedagogical, didactic, methodological science form the methodological basis of dissertational research.
The scientific novelty of the research:
- the scientific-methodical basis of teaching syntax in communicative-cognitive aspect were revealed in the method of Kazakh language for the first time, it has been proved that the competence forms by means of interconnection of cognitive knowledge and speech habits of students;
- revealed the ways of teaching syntax in communicative-cognitive aspect in interconnection with other parts of linguistics, defined the role of thematic mastering scientific results of anthropocentric direction;
- concretized the content of teaching syntax in universities, proposed means and methods of formation and development of pedagogical qualification of the students;
- analyzed types of communicative and cognitive activities which form as a result of teaching syntax in communicative-cognitive aspect;
- mastering the discipline by the students is closely connected with its cognitive and communicative abilities that have been proved by the results of an experiment based on the results of psychological science and effectiveness of given method;
- systematized the methodical means of teaching syntax in communicative-cognitive aspect, analyzed educational technologies for its comprehensive study;
- the effectiveness of complex system of teaching syntax in communicative-cognitive aspect has been proved from the point of view of science and method and represented in a state of special technologies;
- have been defined the role, types, organization of work on IWS and IWST in accordance with credit technologies of teaching;
- have been proposed the ways and methods of monitoring and evaluation of knowledge of the students;
- have been proved that the results of knowledge of the students are defined by their communicative, cognitive, linguocultural and social-individual competence.
The theoretical and practical significance of the research. The results of dissertational research allow to improve the theory of method, pedagogy, profound study of syntax. The results of the research promote to increase the quality of teaching syntax, studying it in interconnection with other sciences. The dissertational work can be used as a textbook by the teachers of school, post-graduate students and competitor.
The statements carried out for defence:
- teaching the syntax in communicative-cognitive aspect of students of philological faculty of university promotes to comprehensive development of future specialist, increasing the quality of the education, improvement of knowledge and skills of the students; teaching the syntax in communicative-cognitive aspect in the process of studying discipline allows to evaluate the national values by means of it the intellectual potential of the students develops;
- teaching the syntax in communicative-cognitive aspect promotes to the development of such abilities of the students as thought, expression of their thoughts, aesthetic feelings, also mastering the linguistic communication from cognitive, communicative-informative, emotive, connotative positions; teaching the syntax in communicative-cognitive aspect promotes to the development of reflective and speech abilities, independent work of students as the individual of educational process;
- the achievement of high rates during the study of syntax by means of educational technologies can become possible if it is directed to the search and additional enrichment of scientific information necessary for future speciality of trainers, self-development of an individual and improvement of skills;
- proposed the system of complex work promotes to the development of
outlook, comprehension, communicative skills and habits, increase of cognitive
levels of the students, profound study of syntax, formation of interests to
educational-cognitive activity. Thus, promotes to skill effectively use all types
of communication, improvement of speech culture necessary for
communication, development of other skills of students;
- the methodical system oriented on mastering linguocultural, professional-
communicative, professional-cognitive and professional-oriented skills by the
students gives positive result in realization of it on the basis of special
principles of teaching syntax in communicative-cognitive aspect;
- in the system organization of current work, IWST and IWS in
communicative-cognitive aspect can achieve the improvement of professional
skills, development of scientific-investigative, leading, organizational abilities of
students, mastering the communication culture and life skills pertinent to
integration process;
- monitoring of qualities of acquired knowledge as a result of teaching
allows to define expected communicative, cognitive, linguocultural and social-
individual competence of students.
The degree of an introduction.
3 standard program, 1 program on special
course, 6 textbooks, 6 electronic textbooks, 3 educational
textbooks, 13 educational-methodical textbooks, 30 scientific
articles have been published on the
theme of dissertation.