Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 23 Ноября 2011 в 09:15, автореферат
Зерттеу жұмысының өзектілігі. Мәтін – сөз арқылы жеткізілетін, сөйлеудің шығармашылық нәтижесі. Мәтін арқылы барлық тілдік бірліктер іске қосылатындықтан, ол ерекше күрделі тілдік таңбаға жатады. Соған орай мәтінді талдау мен мәтінді тану, оның түзілімі мен құрылымын саралау, мәтінжасам барысындағы тілдік бірліктердің қызметін анықтау бүгінгі таңда өзекті мәселеге айналып отыр.
- на основе этимологического анализа устаревших слов в древних текстах раскрыты значения и текстуальная значимость опорных единиц, позволяющих определить текстовое концептуальное пространство и текстовое концептное поле.
Теоретическая и практическая значимость исследования. Результаты и выводы, полученные в ходе исследования вносят свою лепту в развитие таких отраслей казахского языкознания, как фонетика, лексикология, синтаксис, лексикография, этнолингвистика, теория текста, семантика и функциональная грамматика. Кроме того, результаты исследования вносят свой вклад в глубокое понимание прагматического влияния текста, познание природы национального языка и национального языкового наследия, во всестороннее понимание внутренней структуры текста и его восприятия, понимание личностей автора и читателя, определение роли языковых единиц в тексте и понятие текстового пространства, при этом все это способствует решению проблем структурно-содержательной основы текста и текстологии.
Положения, выносимые на защиту:
- теория анализа текста и текстологические исследования в казахском языкознании позволяют дать полное описание текста с теоретической стороны и определить сходства и различия в анализе текста и его изучения в структурно-содержательном плане;
на основании позиции «устно-
- появление фонетических, лексико-семантических и морфологических отклонений в текстах, которые зародились в устной форме и лишь позднее появились их письменные варианты, обусловлено различными экстралингвистическими причинами. При этом установлено, что закономерности строения текста зависит от его жанровых особенностей;
понятие текстового
восприятие текста – сложная
психолингвистическая проблема, вытекающая
из теории общей коммуникации,
в связи с этим рецепиент
при чтении письменного текста
с целью «ухватиться за
при восприятии текста и
интерпретации его читателем,
а также возможности участия
актуального семантического
the thesis of the dissertation for the Scholar Degree of Doctor of
Philological Sciences on the specialty 10.02.02 - Kazakh language
Anes Garifolla Kabdolkairuly
Text space:
semantic, etymological aspects
Actuality of research. Text - a special and complex symbolic system, through which are implemented all language units. In this connection, the analysis and comprehension of the text, studying its structure and composition, definition of linguistic units function in the text-formation process should be regarded as one of the actual problems at present.
The study of the text as a special speech work, starting from the XX century, contributed to the emergence of a special scientific field - text linguistics. Along with the notion of text are appeared ways and means of its study, including from the perspective of new scientific paradigms, therefore, studying the actual language of the parties of the text, is involved by the integration processes and integration union, which finds its clearest manifestation in the analysis of text and textology. In this connection the theme of the dissertational work, which is investigated the semantics of a textual space and is revealed the etymology of words in ancient texts, is presented relevant and modern.
Text is primarily a complex category, which is a substantial, systemic and structural totality, in which all linguistic units are connected and organized one-piece work in a meaningful, communicative and structural relationships. The complexity of research of this phenomenon creates a multidimensional study of the text, on the one hand, and the diversity of its classification - on the other. In the Kazakh linguistics there is a need to improve the theoretical basis of the conceptual text analysis, formation and systematization of the terminology of sciences such as textology and text linguistics, topping up their basic concepts. All this causes the relevance of the topic of the dissertational research.
Object of research - the text in the Kazakh linguistics, ways and means of text analysis and its knowledge.
Subject of research - text linguistics and textology in the Kazakh linguistics.
Purpose and tasks of research. The main aim of this work is to identify the features of the lexical and grammatical levels of language in the text formation based on a complex (semantic, structural, functional, pragmatic, historical) analysis, which supposes a comprehensive study of the text as a complex linguistic category. To achieve this goal are solved the following tasks:
- To systematize and classify the definitions, which can give a complete description of the concept of the text;
- To determine the types and kinds of texts, to reveal the notion of historical texts and the new texts and to show the features of their study;
- To establish similarities and differences in text analysis and textual criticism, to define the role of linguistic units in the structural-semantic unity of the text to identify their main features, functions and importance in the construction of the text;
- To specify the basic concepts of textual criticism, which are reflected in the text on the basis of linguistic facts;
- To carry out the etymological analysis to establish the importance of linguistic units and individual words as significant elements in the structural-meaningful presentation of a text;
- To show the relationship between ancient and new texts, which allowed establishing the causes of certain deviations at the different linguistic levels on the example of the linguistic repetitions.
The scientific novelty and results of research:
- lexical, morphological and syntactic means of text linguistics are identified and subjected to the comprehensive analysis;
- for the first time in the Kazakh linguistics the notion “oral-written” text is taken into the scientific notion and features of research of the oral-written texts are identified;
- the universal logical-conceptual, lexical and grammatical means of the text forming are identified and it allows for its comprehensive analysis and in the aggregate gives an overview of the reflection of the notion of text, text linguistics and textual criticism;
- the function, meaning and importance of linguistic units in the analysis of text and textual criticism and their role in determining the basic characteristics and parameters of the text;
- the linguistic gaffes in the text construction and on the basis of principles of text analysis and textual criticism in the Kazakh linguistics are shown, the theoretical assumptions are systematized, the basic concepts and definitions of terms are given, which provides a basis to distinguish differences between the principles of research of the old Kazakh texts and traditional principles of the text study in the textual criticism;
- the reasons of occurrence of the lexical, phonetic and morphological abnormalities in the textological researches are identified on the base of the different linguistic and historical facts and real-historical background, commenting ways which are given in accordance with the knowledge of the addressee and the addresser;
- Peculiarities of the semantic text space and the role of the author’s image as a mandatory component in the structure of the text are identified;
- Meanings and the textual significance of support units, allowing defining the text conceptual space and the text concept field are revealed on the base of the etymological analysis of the old words in ancient texts.
Theoretical and practical importance of research. Results and conclusions, taken in the research contribute to the development of such sectors of the Kazakh linguistics as Phonetics, Lexicology, Syntax, Lexicography, Ethnolinguistics, Text theory, Semantics and Functional grammar. Besides, the research results contribute to the deep understanding of the pragmatic effect of the text, recognizing the nature of the national language and national language heritage, in-depth understanding of the internal structure of the text and its perception, understanding personalities of an author and a reader, the definition of the role of linguistic units in the text and the notion of the textual space, all this contributes to solving the problems of the structural-substantive basis of the text and textual criticism.
Positions set for the defense:
- Theory of the text analysis and the textual researches in the Kazakh linguistics can give a complete description of the text from the theoretical part, and determine similarities and differences in text analysis and its study in the structural and content plan;
- The assumption is proved on the base of the position of “oral-written” text, that the traditional principles of text analysis are different from the scientific linguistic analysis of the ancient Kazakh texts and ancient linguistic heritage;
- The emergence of the phonetic, lexical-semantic and morphological abnormalities in texts, that originated in oral form and only later came their written versions, are due to the different extralinguistic reasons. It was found that the laws of the text structure depends on the genre characteristics;
- The notion of the textual space and its features is equivalent to knowledge of the theory of the text, as this space allows us to “see” the semantic shifts of words in the text, to reveal the semantics of the units from the pragmatic and functional points of view and to determine the etymology of words;
- Readability of the text - a complex psycholinguistic problems, arising from the theory of general communication, in connection with this recepient when reading a written text in order to “seize the contents of the text” gets from the passages of the text the common content-conceptual information. It is proved that the “dialogue” between the addressee and the addresser can take place under the condition of coincidence of their life experiences - cognitive space, literary taste, background knowledge and other extralinguistic factors;
The perception of the text and its interpretation by the reader, as
well as the possibility of participation of the actual semantic space
in it, and the researcher and the reader reanalyze the text, which allows
understanding the semantics of text. In connection with this the research
of the text semantics is closely related to the anthropocentric approach
– the study of the textual universals in the trinity of “man”,
“time” and “space”.
кеңістігі: семантикалық,
этимологиялық аспект
– Қазақ тілі
Филология ғылымдарының докторы ғылыми дәрежесін
үшін дайындаған диссертацияның
Басуға 18.11.2010 жылы қол қойылды
Шартты баспа табағы 3,75. Есептік баспа табағы 3,25.
Пішімі 60х84 1/16 . Офсеттік қағаз. Таралымы 150 дана.
№ 138
“Dalaprint” ЖШС
Алматы қаласы,
Ереван көшесі, 1в
тел., факс: 385 59 12
e-mail: arys_kz@mail.ru
Информация о работе Мәтін кеңістігі: семантикалық, этимологиялық аспект