Проблемы повышения конкурентоспособности хлопкового комплекса

Автор работы: Пользователь скрыл имя, 14 Марта 2012 в 23:07, автореферат


Цель исследования – разработать теоретические и методологические основы повышения эффективности и конкурентоспособности хлопкового комплекса на юге Казахстана, обосновать их практической реализации в условиях рыночной экономики, разработки предложения и рекомендации по кардинальному изменению структуры производства, первичной и глубокой переработки.

Работа состоит из  1 файл

kurstik jumis.doc

— 909.50 Кб (Скачать документ)

Апробация и реализация результатов исследования. Результаты многолетнего исследования автора обсуждены и утверждены в виде рекомендаций для практической реализации в районах хлопкосеяния, агрообразованиях и предприятиях по производству и переработке хлопка, в инвестиционных компаниях и предпринимательства, в использовании разработки стратегических программ развития отрасли.

Теоретические и практические результаты исследования. Предложения и информации по укрупнению агрообразований, глубокой переработке хлопка и организации хлопково-текстильного кластера, по организации экспорта и импортозамещения внедрены в Республике Узбекистан,  Южно-Казахстанской области, управлениях и департаментах сельского хозяйства, экономики и планирования, специальной экономической зоне «Онтустик», социальной предпринимательской корпорации «Онтустик», Ассоциации юридических лиц «Хлопок Казахстана» и производственном  коопертиве «Кетебай» Махтааральского района.





Begim Serikov


Problems of competitive growth of cotton cluster

08.00.05 – Economics & Management of the National Economy

(on branches and of activity)


Efficiency improvement and competitive growth of the branch is very important in reforming and developing cotton complex. These require a new approach towards studying quick adaptation of the branch to market relations and making substantial structural changes and taking measures for further development. Therefore, research of scientific basis of competitiveness and economic effectiveness of cotton complex and development of certain proposals is very critical and is important from the scientific and practical point of view.

Research objective is to develop theoretical and methodological background to enhance efficiency and competitiveness of cotton complex in southern Kazakhstan and substantiate its practical value under competitive environment. Draft proposals and make recommendations to fundamentally change the structure of production, primary and advanced processing.

Subjects for study are organizational, economical and social relations connected with production, processing and sales of products under market conditions.

Theoretical and methodological background of the research is dialectical method: regulatory and legal acts governing legal status of forms of incorporation in the field of cotton complex of Kazakhstan and abroad, work of Kazakh and foreign scientists. Theoretical study of many years and applications of the author have been used herein as well.

Scientific novelty of the results is as follows:

− theoretically justified objective necessity, nature, place and role of the improving economical effectiveness and competitiveness of the cotton complex in the economy; provided author’s understanding of the definition “competitiveness” by performing successive analysis and generalization of different definitions of competitiveness in the economical literature;

− extended and systemized methods of definitions application in the area of production capacity limits, allocation of resources and effective application of equivalents methods, efficiency of protection coefficients and subsidies for taking decisions on development and containing of the industry;

− the concept of equivalent cost was applied, in order to assess the competitive advantage of the cotton complex and on that basis the additions were brought into the methodology of defining the competitiveness and development of the industry;

− prepared organizational and economical grounds for pulling through small commodity production and proposed a project on extension of cotton farms with definition of size of the new farms;

− considered theoretical grounds for analysis and evaluation of investments in the industry as well as ways on improvement of irrigation engineering and increasing the fertility of the sprinkling lands;

− proposed mechanisms of improving efficiency of the cotton complex in the market economy conditions and evaluated effectiveness of the internal and external markets and ways on improving its competitiveness;

− performed the research of economical mechanisms of implementation of the intensive agricultural technologies, innovations, technical renovations and usage of scientifically justified rotation of crops;

− performed a demand forecast for cotton complex production at the external and internal markets and structural directions for satisfaction of that demand;

− justified the role of the primary and advanced processing of the cotton, integration of the industry for organization of the cotton / textile cluster, and improvement of value adding in the development of the complex and related competitiveness;

− high-performance competitive technology experience for cotton production has been studied as well as its primary treatment and usage at actual conditions of a region;

− recommendations have been made with respect to state regulation and competitive growth of cotton complex, improving quality control;

− world cotton market condition, cotton growing development trends and efficiency upgrading, their advantages have been summarized; opportunity to use them within the country has been analyzed.

Practical value of the work. Practical importance of the work consists of theoretical, methodological substantiation of cotton complex efficiency upgrading and competitive growth in market conditions and during formation of enlarged agricultural establishments, development of proposals and recommendations intended for the region.

Approbation and implementation of the research results. Results of multiannual research of the author have been discussed and approved as recommendations for actual implementation at cotton growing regions, agricultural establishments and cotton producing and processing enterprises, investment companies and banks, private enterprises and during development of industry branch strategic programs.

Theoretical and practical results of the research, proposals and information regarding advanced processing of cotton and establishment of cotton-textile cluster, arrangement of export and import substitution were implemented in Republic of Uzbekistan, South Kazakhstan region, divisions and departments of agriculture, economy and planning SES Ontustik, SPK Ontustik, Kazakh Cotton Association of legal entities and PK Ketebai of Maktaaral district.





























Сериков Бегим

Проблемы повышения конкурентоспособности хлопкового комплекса

08.00.05 – экономика и управление народным хозяйством

(по отраслям и сферам деятельности)



Диссертации на соискание ученой степини

доктора экономических наук


Подписано в печать 3.12.2009 г.




Информация о работе Проблемы повышения конкурентоспособности хлопкового комплекса